Even if you are the minority of one, the truth is the truth
Mahatma Gandhi

About this site

Harassment, torture or any kind of harm that a human causes for others is among the worst crimes that can be committed. Whether the subject of this act is a human, an animal or other living creatures, it is awful and inhumane and should be stopped immediately. Families, friendships, relationships, careers, reputation and finally lives of innocent people tragically ends because of these criminal acts.

In the past few decades a new, remarkable kind of harassment has been reported all around the globe which is the most inhumane, nonsense, obsessive, unbelievable and high tech form of harassment. It is so well masterminded and performed that for decades its victims which are called "Targeted Individuals" or in short "TIs" are asking for help from every crime related agency including governments and UN human rights (testimonies) without any success. The most common name for this crime is "Gang Stalking", in short "GS" but I prefer to call it "Organized Stalking" because it is done by high professional international organization. This site contains information about this new phenomena and it's related subjects namely:  Mind Control, covert and electronic harassment and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

Visualize yourself as Truman From "The Truman Show" movie. Besides, suppose the exact software simulation of your life is made (by the simulation I mean every organ of your body and its condition, including your mind and what you are thinking). This simulation is available for the perpetrators of this organization on the web, no matter where you are. Then imagine there are operators who can increase/decrease, turn on/off or alter your organs functions. Then you become a real Voodoo doll where sticking pins into a doll induces something in the target person. This is the exact description of a Targeted Individual. You think it is impossible? Read the quote bellow (from The Next Frontier Is Inside Your Brain, New York Times, :

Implanting nano-sensors, wireless fiber-optic probes or genetically engineered living cells to human brain tissue to monitor and alter neurons behavior (The Brain Project).

Do you recognize any of the following:
Tinnitus, sudden headache, sudden tiredness, fatigue, hearing and vision loss, dizziness, brain fog, vertigo, loss of balance or motor control, etc.

Nowadays it's called Havana Syndrome. Study by various institutes like the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine or the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that DEWDirected Energy Weapons and Unknown Agents like Nano Robots (see a one and half minutes video of the presentation by Dr. James Giordano¹) are the most plausible cause for Havana Syndrome and said that concealable devices exist that could produce these symptoms.

These are the tip of iceberg of what can be done to human body. Unfortunately due to relative cheap price, ease of use and availability of these techniques and devices, this crime is growing very rapidly and is applied to wider range of people everyday.

If you are a victim of this horrific act (a TI), it is strongly recommended that you read at least "Advises for TI" and "Treatment" pages. If you are not a TI, we as victims would be grateful if you would read at least "Gang Stalking" (15 minutes reading), the first half of "Who and Why" (8 minutes) and "Information" page (read as much as you have time) specially "Mind Control" part which is the ultimate goal of every government and the root of this evil.

Motives of the site

Everyday millions of innocent "Gang stalking's" victims including children, elderlies, disabled, autistic people are tortured in the most inhuman and painful manner and their lives are ruined without any reason. Therefore gang stalking should end and it will not stop until it's recognized by governments, law enforcement and human rights organizations. Besides, hence this crime is so perfectly fabricated and evolved doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers mark a victim as delusional when one asks for help. On the other hand, neither friends nor families of the victims believe their story and instead of supporting them, they too insist that the victim should seek medical help. Insufficient public and professional knowledge about this crime flames the victim's situation in every direction. Marking victims delusional or schizophrenic and prescribing medications for these diseases decrease their daily performance which in turn affects their jobs and relations and is hazard for their health and eventually leads to their devastation.

Motives of this site are:

- Raising public awareness about Targeted Individuals (TI) and Gang Stalking (GS) issues.
- Raising public awareness about the dark side of the new technologies. Technologies that have unimaginable potentials to manipulate human mind and behavior, be it hardware (like Brain Interface) or software (like social media, AI, etc.).
- Facts about Gang Stalking, their tactics and methods for those who become victim and want to prove that their situation is serious and their story is real (media coverage about gang stalking, history of mind control, researches, testimonies, professional opinion).
- Victims survival guide (recommendations, treatments).
- Statistical information gathering. It is estimated (2016) that there are about 170,000 TIs in the U.S. alone and more than one million worldwide.
- Information for stalkers about their situation.
- Prove that this program is going to fail and eradicate GS.
- Why you should care. First, because victims become desperate and show hateful behaviors like mass killings or they are mind controlled and ordered to do so. Almost all the mass killings are done by these hopeless individuals, thus everyone in the world is in danger, including you and your loved ones. Second, since the objective of this program is to mind control the population of the whole world,
especially young individuals and the next generation, therefore it is better for everyone to get involved and get educated about this crime's hidden agenda which is already done in huge extent via your mobile phone, your computer, etc. Watch the presentation by Dr. Giordano, title: "Brain is the Battlefield of the Future". Please help many innocent people who suffer the most awful tortures for no reason, absolutely no reason by paying a bit of attention to this subject.

All information on this site is derived from the utmost reliable sources with the direct reference to the original (tap on the blue bold words to see the sources) researchSources: National Library of Medicine (United States), National Center for Biotechnology Information (United States), Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom), U.S. Department of Justice, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, news channelsSources: CNN, CBS News, Fox News, National TV, Global News Vancouver, ITV News England, NBS, C.Span, documentSources: United Nations Human Rights, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden interview,, newspaper Sources: The New York Times, The Guardian, Chicago Sun Times, studySources: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), National Library of Medicine (United States), Scientific American or any other basis that is used. Few others (like organization page) are my own opinion and experience as a TI for almost four decades.

I hope information on this site reduces victim's suffering and does something to make the world a better place. Spreading information is the first step towards recognition of this horrible crime against humanity.

"Our lives depend on your attention, few hours of your time can save lives"

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Support Us

If you are not a victim support us by filling the survey for none TIs after you read some pages and know what we go through. If you are a TI, please fill the survey for TIs to help understand the nature of this crime and more.

Because I am not sure if this site is active and works properly on web, I will be glad to receive feedback from visitors in the form of a comment or a message (via contact page). Finally, since I'm confident that publicity is the only way to prevent this crime, I sincerely ask you to ask as many people as you can to look at this site and other sites concerning GS.


Apology if my wording or spelling is not correct. English is not my native language and I don't trust any online/off-line dictionaries, text editors or other programs used for writing. Gang stalkers has disabled all my off-line computer programs and modified all my online settings for every site that I use for translation, etc. You can read more about this and my other problems in "about me". Furthermore spell checking in good old fashion way (paper dictionaries) takes too much time and energy which I do not have.