About Me

Say what you mean, Do what you say

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deed

Consider These

Before you read the next part, I sincerely ask you to consider the following:
What you are going to read is more like science fiction. I have discussed this matter with many people. Over and over again, everyone has had the same reaction and I know that you are neither going to believe it nor will think of me the same way as you did before (this for my family and friends). After reading the next part, all my relatives will think of me as delusional. However, this is my only hope to end my cruel torture and to get my peace back. Therefore I need you to ask yourself these questions and think twice before you judge. You can save lives with your attention.

– Why if someone knows that if he/she speaks out about certain matters it will eventually lead to his/her own destruction and yet one insist on speaking and continues to do so? Why do we (the victims) keep trying to tell our stories to people. We all know that no one is going to believe us. Do we want people to remember that we are crazy or do we really need help.
– What is the gain if someone tries to mark him/herself crazy? Does this person gains fame, fortune, position and friends or on contradictory, loses all?
– Is there something else in the behavior of this person who shows mental illness?
– Have science fictions of past stayed the same or become reality?
– GS is like science fiction, is it absolutely impossible or is there a chance that GS could be real?

Few examples of these respected successful people who claim to be targeted individuals are:

- Dr. John Hall, a practicing physician in general anesthesiologist and an author ("A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" and 
"Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control") in San Antonio, Texas, United States.
- Dr. Katherine Horton, a high energy physicist who worked at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva and at the German Electron Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg.
- Gloria Naylor (considered one of the leading African American writers of our time. She has written for theatre, film, and television, and is the author of six novels, including “The Women of Brewster Place” which won the national book award in 1983. Her books have been translated into twelve languages and are taught at college campuses throughout the world).

I think the answer to these questions will help you figure out the truth about GS. Lot’s of T.I. are very normal people who have jobs, family, friends and are active in society and social activities. Therefore if you know a person with the same complaints (story) as mine, don’t judge quickly, judge the person on his/her acts and inform yourself a bit more about these topics, then draw conclusions.


Although “actions speak louder than words” but I think it’s better to portray myself a bit, because characteristics of the writer is important in this particular case.

I am a healthy (I do two times per year a complete check up) 62 years old male from Iran with a second European nationality (Dutch), a master degree in software engineering from TU Delft and some more certificates in other fields. The last certificate I gained was in march 2019 in “tourism industry”. Rational, social, honest, kind and outspoken are my apparent characteristics. A bit more than half of my life I’ve lived in Iran and the rest in Europe.

My best guess for becoming a target is jealousy and hatred. However, I believe as time passed more reasons were topped on each other, all because of my personality (opinions and being outspoken). History of my harassment is longer than thirty five years (at least from 1985) which I divide in five different seasons.

  • First 23 years (from 1985 to 2008) I was gang stalked without explicitly knowing that I’m a target. At that time I always believed that I’m a very unlucky person which lot of bad things happens to me. Actually I was close to believe in “Murphy’s law” which states that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong“.
  • Two years (2009 and 2010) of intense astonishment and confusion. In those two years I began to think that the events that occurs in my life can’t be coincident. Yet I didn’t have any explanation or hard facts to convince myself that it can be work of someone else.
  • One year (2011) of disappointment and sorrow. As you may know, talking about the things that happens to a T.I. with friends, family or professionals make the situation only worse. Everybody thinks you’re crazy. This because some of them are part of this and their job is to ignore you and all the others couldn’t imagine that what I say can be true. This situation was so bad that I even agreed to go through mental treatment.
  • Although my physical torture was began many years ago, but in 2012 I noticed it clearly. Later that year I also became aware that they can mess quiet a lot with my mind (mind reading and controlling). Since 2015 there’s no minute in my life without being physically tortured.
  • In 2016 I finally saw the light. For the first time in my life I read about gang stalking on internet and without any doubt I understood who I am, a T.I. I can say this was one of the happiest moments of my life, I was right and I was not alone anymore.


I believe that everything in the world has two sides, dark and bright or positive and negative sides. For example a car accident happens, from negative side “car is damaged and money lost”, from positive side “nobody is harmed”. Even if somebody was harmed or was dead the positive side can be “thanks god that no more people are harmed” and so on.

Fortunately, I’m a very very positive, logical and honest person. Even if I have had the worst event of my life, I will find the positive side of that event and use it to improve my life. Although GS has changed my life but amazingly it’s making me stronger day by day. The day that I noticed that I’m bugged and mind controlled, was also the day that I became aware of the fact that my life cannot be worse than this (read bellow over what they can do to me). That day my uprising began and it is all because “I can’t go down any further, I’ve seen the bottom, the hell”.

Today I’m a productive, joyful person and devote my life to help other people. I know that there’s no hope for me to get rid of GS even if all the people in the world believe me and even the best medical team in the world do their best to remove all the stuff in my body, they are not going to succeed. Even if they succeed, I’m sure stalkers can put them back in my body in no time. I’m finished, my only chance is that GS stops and this is not going to happen soon, not in my life time. Nevertheless, I never give up and continue to fight GS.

Making of this site is part of my fight against GS, not only for myself but also for all the targets in the world and even for all the other people who have never heard of mind controlling and other satanic programs. I strongly believe that we (victims of GS) are not the only ones who are in mind control program but whole earth population except few elites are in it. Not to be bothered doesn’t mean not to be watched or controlled, it means that you are a non threat to any government, ideology or you don’t have any (powerful) enemy. In contrary, if you really believe that you are not monitored (watched) and controlled, you are very naive. By watching I mean they know all your friends, families, activities like where you are, who is around you, what you do, what you’ve done online, bank transactions, mobile conversations, shopping, interests, contacts, pictures, etc. All the advertises that you see on your mobile, the web sites that you visit and everywhere else are personalized. It means that they know everything about you and this is possible when they have watched you for a long period. Today it’s not a secret that companies and institutions track everyone indiscriminately. In the past only world powers could do that but nowadays private companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. do it 24/7.

If you are interested to read about these stuff, here are some keywords you can Google (by the way, I use DuckDuckGo for search not Google because Google shows only results that are related to someone's personal interest and not the real result. For example if you and me both search for the word Coffee, the result of your search is 80% different than mine).

Keywords: DARPA, ECHELON, Cognitive warfare, Battle for the brain, etc.

My Life as a Target

The first time that I noticed I am a target, the most difficult thing to cope with was to know that I have no privacy anymore, not even for a second in the rest of my life. I noticed that they never, ever they take their eyes off from you. None of my conversations was private. They are looking at me when I am doing my most secret stuff. No password, PIN, emails, bank information were secret anymore. I am watched and heard when I go to sleep, take shower, go to WC, have sex, the truths and lies that I tell people. Humm... what shall I do? I had to convince myself to get over these ugly facts. Getting depressed and panic was not an option. When I accepted the situation, I was relieved and my life got much better and easier.

The second problem was to convince my family and friends that I am a T.I. because I needed help. I believed that with help of two or three friends I can find out who is behind this and put them in jail. Maybe I made my first mistake at that point. I was confident that everyone knows that I’m mentally healthy and because I was sure that strange stuff are inside my body and that they also can read my mind and see through my eyes, I told all my friends about it. This was the biggest mistake. Even now in 2020 with all the publications, sites on internet, news on the TV, conferences, etc. it’s hard for people to believe, then you can imagine ten years ago in 2010 what people though, “he’s crazy”. Unfortunately not even one family member or friend was convinced and after few months of trying I stopped this senseless effort and decided not to talk about it anymore. It only make my situation worse. That was an ugly situation, I became very lonely. On one hand I doubted some of my friends and family to be part of it and at the other hand I really needed help because I noticed that every time that I leave my apartment something will be damaged or lost. I even didn’t dare to eat or drink at home because I was certain that they have messed with my foods and drinks in the fridge. At least they did such as they have done so (when I returned home and went to the fridge I noticed that stuff in my fridge were not only rearranged but also were used. Some bottles were almost empty and I was sure that they had more in them than what I was seeing. Food, the same).

No hope for help, no trust in my inner circle, I decided to leave my city. I traveled to few friend in other cities in Iran. No matter where I went the situation was the same. Their first method to show me that they are there was to activate the burglar alarm of the cars near me. When I stopped out of taxi or came out of airport hall the first thing that I was hearing was this alarm sound and the yellow light of car indicator. It was soon that I understood that no place in Iran is safe for me. My other concern was health of the people that I was staying with. Fortunately I had a second nationality and I could and had the opportunity to leave Iran and that was exactly what I did. In 2012 I left Iran and went to Holland. It was only a few days that I didn’t noticed anything and I was thinking that I have survived. Absurd, less than a week they began again. Following me on the street, people passing by whispering something near my ear, making false telephone calls, strange sounds (creak) at home coming from everywhere even from walls with nothing on or close to it. You name it, they did it.

Although I was 100% sure that I’m not crazy but yet I gave the chance that I could be hallucinating and I don’t know myself that I have some mental problem (I had seen the movie “A beautiful mind“) so I had agreed to the suggestion of my family and friends to see some physiologists and psychiatrists. I went to four different specialist in Iran and in Holland, each gave me a different medication which I tried for weeks, some for months (nearly a year), all useless.

Later, I asked the opinion of one psychologist and two psychiatrists with a completely different approach. Since until now every time I went to any doctor, one of their first questions was, "if I hear any voice (sound)?" and my answer was "yes" and the next statement I gave them to explain my problem was, "I've been wanted for 24 hours," so they immediately jumped to the conclusion that I was schizophrenic. Yes, I hear a sound, but 99.99% of the cases it is tinnitus and the other 0.01 is either V2K (microwave audible effect) or sounds of material deformation (expansion, contraction), not the voice of some person talking to me.

First one of these specialists was my brother-in-law a psychiatrist. He knew me more than forty years. One day I asked him if he thinks I have mental problems. He laughed and said "you are one of the few people that I believe will never get any mental problem". Because you are a logical thinker, a positive and strong person". The second one was a psychiatrist again. He was a Brazilian couch surfer who stayed at my place for few days. We were the whole time together. Not only I showed him around but we ate and slept in the same place together. We also went to a wedding together, danced and got friends with some girls. At the end when I was bringing him to the bus station, I asked him the same question: Do you think I can be schizophrenic? He asked me some questions and said: I don't know you much, just these few days that we were together. What I know for sure is that "you are a positive, energetic, joyful, extrovert person". These characteristics are opposite of a schizophrenic person, he said. The last person that I asked for his professional opinion is a physiologists. We know each other for almost five years. Four years I didn't tell him anything about my problem. Finally, one day I decided to ask him the same question. Am I mentally sick, you think? What is the reason that you ask this question? he asked. I insisted to have my answer first before I tell him the reason. He simply said "no, I am almost sure". Then I said OK now I am going to tell you something that will change your mind. First he said, I don't think so. After I told him bout me and gang stalking, he said: Ok, this is the sign of a mental problem. To find it, we have to talk but it is going to be vey difficult for me because you look absolutely normal. Our friendship continues to this day and till now he has not found my illness, if any.

Nowadays I think I’ve the most implants and other stuff  in my body than any other T.I. in the world because I have never heard about the things that occur to me from any other T.I. (few T.I. have mentioned some same problems like mine but not all of my problems in one person). The reason could be the duration of my stalking or the fact that those harassment from the begin phase are not effective on me anymore like pursuing me wherever I go, harassing me with sound or trying to deceive me. They have overdone these and I’ve become either resistant against most of them or found a way to neutralize them. These days my problems are with what they do to my body. They can do a lot and they do it whenever they want to. In fact I can only name a few organs in my body that I’m not certain whether they are bugged or not. These are: spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys. Not only all over my body are implants but also I strongly believe that there are nano tubes and nano and living robots in my body.

    1. Nano robots. These things cause burning, irritation, sting like feelings in my body and they move.
    2. Xenobot (Living reproducible robots). These things pulse, beat, inflate in my body and cause pain and prevent me from breathing and many more.
    3. Nanotubes (maybe tunneling nanotube). These tubes have connected many parts of my body to other parts and cause liquid or air to flow from one place to another. For example moisture from somewhere comes to my nose and cause running nose (see the picture of my palate and my nose bellow) or air goes to my intestine and cause fart.

In the following I will explain most of these problems, not all (I’m sure I have forgotten some). My confidence about all these explanations is due to the fact that these things have happened to me not once not twice but hundred and hundred times in a particular situation. When such things happen repeatedly then you know that this is not real. For example, I know in certain situations when I work with my hands like preparing food or repairing something or when I put mask (these days because of Corona virus) my nose will run. They want to disturb me during whatever I do. Another example, I cough only when others are around me or when I go to sleep not in other situations.

In short, they are capable of doing almost anything with my body in matter of seconds. Like I am an alive remote controlled marionette. They can introduce general (globally) or local (only a particular muscle, bone, heart, testicles, tooth, eye, etc.) pain. Also they can make me dizzy, shortage of breath, increase or decrease blood pressure, headache, sleep, awakening, burn, cold, heat, itch, sneeze, cough, phlegm, tear, fart, urine, excrement, vertigo, etc. And the list goes on and on. You name it they can do it. It is exactly like turning ON and OFF a switch, so simple for them.

Alphabetical list of organs under their control


They are able to unbalance me. When I walk straight they can make me go right or left and I can't control it. In addition, when I stand they can unbalance me a bit such that I need to move to gain control again. I have never fallen but I lost my balance.


It can be inflated in a few minutes (at most 2 minutes) such that I look like a pregnant woman. Effect is enormous pain in my belly and malfunctioning of my heart such that my heart beats faster and I come short of air in my lungs.

Bladder (Urinary system)

They can prevent me from urinating completely even if I feel I am exploding from urine (I have no prostate or bladder problems). Vice versa, even if I have just finished peeing and go out of WC, they can make me feel that I have to pee again. Somehow they are able to close my bladder exit such that urine stays in it for later use. I even think (not sure) they are able to use air moisture to suck it into my body.


Read and manipulate. By manipulating I mean they can put thoughts in mind, prevent me from thinking and they can make me loose concentration. Some examples, once I was living with some people in a house and one of them was a very good chess player. I lost every time when I played with him. It was like he is at level five and I am at level two. Then one day he got too proud and began trash talking that he’s the best and so on. I’m sure at that time my stalkers got upset and put thoughts in my mind such that I could play like a master. I know myself and I know that that was not me, I won the game badly. In other cases they can prevent me to remember things like a song that I know from heart or in the middle of a sentence suddenly I can’t remember a word. It also happens when I walk up the stairs, for a tenth of a second my foot stops in the air but before I fell it works again (my body goes forward but not my foot).


Awful sudden pain. It can be of two different forms, first one is like a nail going into your bone and the second one is like a heavy punch at top or end of my shoulders, arms and legs bones.

  • - Itches constantly.
  • - One way they wake me up is to introduce unbearable pain in the ear that is on the pillow.
  • - Hair on my ears grow very fast and is not removable by laser or electrolysis. I’ve done both laser and electrolysis hair removal for few consecutive sessions and some hairs where not removed, not even weakened. Now I use lady-shave to remove them but less dan three days they are grown again.
Ear (hearing)

Constant non-stop tinnitus. Sometimes varies in pitch and volume.

Food pipe (gullet)

There should be a hole somewhere in my esophagus connected via a suction tube to something that holds my spit in a place that makes me cough constantly. When I throw out the spit they can again bring or make spit on the same spot in a few second. This because after I cough till the spit is out, in no time there’s another one in my esophagus.


They can change focus of my eye in two ways. First one is a guess, I think they can pull or push my eye muscles such that it stretches or contracts and goes out of focus. Second they can put tear in my eyes constantly, either I have to clean it continuously or I see very vague. They can somehow mix tear with something that burns its effect is the same, seeing vague.

It was 2008 when I woke up in the morning and noticed that my vision has become striped (lined). I saw horizontal light gray lines, no matter where I looked. I tried to make an appointment with eye specialist but couldn't arrange it for the same day and I had to wait three days. It was very annoying. I also noticed that the bubbles that you see in your eyes when you close your eyes were gone. The next days the strips became less visible insofar that I decided to cancel my doctor appointment. But the bubbles never came back. What I guess is that they may have put a kind of transparent camera layer in my eyes.

Another strange event is when I rub my eyes, everything is black but I see a dotted circle in the middle of the screen. See picture bellow.

Eye Dots


Some can bend back and go to my eye (result is tear).


My worst nightmare. There has been times that I had dead wish because of this headache. They call it Cluster headache or suicide headaches. How they do it to me is via a pipe which branches into at least three different pipes. One, bellow the skin of my Palate and goes to my teeth. Second, goes to my nose. Third one goes around my eyes. They pump something in this pipe and make it pulsive. They can make this pulse stronger or weaker. The stronger the pulse the more pain you feel. This headache is really unbearable. Sometimes this pain is so hard and bad that I feel it even the day after.


Can beat as fast as they want. I’m a healthy person. Every six months I do my annual check up and till now I have no heart problem. About two years ago they began to mess with my heart and they could increase my blood pressure to 220 over 140. They did it for almost a week and during this period I did lots of  blood test, MRI and CT scans, nothing was found or wrong.


They can prevent my lungs to expand normally and inhale enough air. I guess a balloon inside my stomach somehow inflate and takes some space and therefore prevents my lungs to expand (this balloon is used in many ways. Read belly and heart).

    • - Only when I sleep they can open my mouth and somehow dry it badly such that I wake up and feel enormous pain and dryness in my mouth. What I guess is "a mechanism like vacuum cleaner sucks liquid from my mouth". I have no idea where the liquid goes. Speed of this drying is very fast. It can be done in less than 30 seconds. Bellow I have shown few (there are more than hundred) of these super small holes in my palate.

My Palate

  • - Sudden bleeding in my mouth.
  • - Many times when I visited dentist when I opened my mouth from somewhere under my tongue few drops of my spit injected into the air (like when you open tap of a hose) into the face of the dentist.

They can introduce sudden pain to any muscle in the arms, hand, legs, neck and ears. They can also terminate the pain suddenly.


All my nerves can be stimulated by them. This means that any muscle can be stimulated to work or be prevented from working.


For sure it has some connections (pipes) to my mouth such that they an suck my spit and other liquids from my mouth and send it to my nose. The effect is that they can flow liquid out my nose anytime they want. My excuses for the picture.

Respiratory system

By three different means they can prevent me from breathing. First they can make my throat become smaller , second to make a lot of spit in my throat. The effect of both shortage of air. The third one is very strange, they can make me forget to inhale. By this I mean it’s like I don’t know how to breath.

Sexual organ (Penis)
  • - Sudden erection under any circumstances. They can erect my sexual organ even when I am studying or working.
  • - They can tickle (arouseirritate) me.
  • - One way to wake me up is to pump up (erect) my sexual organ so much that I wake up from pain. I feel the skin of my sexual organ is going to tear up. Most people lose their erection ability in mid 50's.

Everywhere, from head to toes they can make me itch my skin. I think they do it in three ways. First they can tickle me by moving my body hair smoothly, second by blowing air from pipes (nano tubes) to my skin and third by prick me with something just under my skin. The aftermath of the last one is a very very small blood dot on my skin.

  • - Diarrhea
  • - They can produce air in my stomach or belly very quickly such that withstanding the pressure inside my belly becomes impossible. It is so bad that no matter where I am I need to release the air (fart).
  • - Produces noise like when you are hungry and have drank lot of water.
  • - I don’t know if it’s in my stomach or outside (in my belly) but what they can do is to make a very hard ball, bigger than size of three tennis balls combined (like you have drank a litter of Cola in ten seconds). Two problems arise from this, first I feel enormous pain. Second it squeezes my other internal organs, specially lungs and bladder and causes breath shortage and sense of needing to urinate.
  • - Pain
  • - Needle like pain
Temperature variation

They can make me feel cold or hot at any moment. In case of making me feel hot (even in a cold place, just having an underwear and in front of an air conditioning) I suddenly feel that my temperature is going up and I begin to sweat. In case of making me feel cold (no matter how much cloths I have put on, or I am under two very thick blanket in my bed or if I am lying on the beach with the temperature of 32 degrees, no wind and under direct sun shine), hairs on my skin begin to rise and I feel a very cold air coming from my sweat glands.


They can squeeze it such that I feel hard pain. They can bring it inside my body such that it seems that I have no testis.


Somehow when I drink or eat or even only with my spit they can suck few drops of the liquid or piece of food into my long such that I begin to cough heavily

  • - Burning (like I’ve eaten very hot pepper)
  • - Needle like pain

A dilemma

One very important observation of mine and some other T.I. is that although they are capable of doing all the mentioned points named bellow but they never do everything together in one time or even not in one day. All the things they do is periodically (except a few that they do all the time, for example for me is my running nose in certain situations). These periods are mostly a few months. Somehow they choose a few organs and mess with them for few months and then suddenly they stop these and pick other organs to mess with. This has raised some question for me:

  • - Why don't they use all their power (all the torture that they are capable of) every minute, every day?
  • - Is it the command from supervisor or is it just the choice of operator or is it a protocol?
  • - Is it because if they do them all together we can’t withstand and die?
  • - Is it because they have cross effects on each other?
  • - Is it because they have finished their experiments with the mixture of these parts and want to test other parts?
  • - Some other reason that I can't think of.

Anyhow, before you read any of the following I really apologize for some of my descriptions because some are not polite. Although I have the choice not to mention them, but I see it as my duty to write about everything for two reasons. First, I want to help other T.I. to know that what happens for them is not because of a disease and they should not use medicine (be careful, you should decide yourself if it is them or is it a real disease. Watch the timing of these happening). Second, in some cases I have found the cure which other victims can use to ease their pain.

Help my 98 years old mother, 65 years old sister, me and many other victims of this crime

We urgently, desperately need your help

4 Replies to “About Me”

  1. In the name of God unite us all to help each survive and stop this holocaust.
    Please help us learn how to contribute to stop this horrendous crimes against humanity.
    Please help us all 🙏

    1. Dear Roxana,
      Publicity about G’S is the only thing that we can do for the moment. Talk to people, inform law enforcement and healthcare services.
      Put a banner or at least some picture about TI and GS in front of your car, home, bicycle, etc.
      For the rest we need to wait and pray.

  2. TargetedS,
    Very well documented, the discriptions are exactially what I experience. Forgetting to breathe and then gasping for air – I was in a park eating lunch, a woman with a new born baby sitting at the table next to mine, frantically started repeatedly screaming MY BABYs stoped breathing, this was followed by a car parked close to me immediately starting it’s motor and hurriedly leaving.
    An American academic that worked in Africa, has documented identical effects in his TI article.

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