Advises for TI

Tough times don’t last, tough people do

                                                 Robert Schuller

No matter how many times I break down, there is always a little piece of me that says:
No, you're not done yet, get BACK UP.

Hold on. Yes, it's unimaginably hard to live as a TI but we must never give up. The end is near, day by day more attention is attracted to this crime and soon the dam will break and the empire will fall. Till that day live like hero and continue to fight. Think of the good that you do for humanity with this fight. Think of the lives that you rescue and your name will be remembered forever.

Only a fool fights a battle he knows he cannot win

Genghis Khan

Don't try to fight GS. They are much more powerful, richer, organized ... than any of us. Even all of us together are outnumbered comparing to them. Until the time is ripe (acceptance/approval from governments, justice department and people), it's waste of money, time, energy and nerve to fight the battle that you can never win. Just wait for the tide to turn, and it will.

For the moment, publicity is the only meaningful fight against this crime

Running away from problem only increases the distance from the solution
The easiest way to escape from the problem is to solve it

Accept your situation. The faster you accept your situation the easier it gets. If you're 100% sure that you are a target, don't seek medical help. Medicines for mental illnesses make you slow and more vulnerable.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Don't get scared. Remember, GS's goal is to harass not to kill. Hereby I don't say that they never kill, but up to the moment that the target has not become a real threat for their existence they rather keep the target alive for harassment. They are teasers not murderers.

Go home to yourself

Meditate. Meditation is the best way to control your anxiety and calm yourself and gain your physical relaxation. Simple meditation like focusing on breathing helps a lot. Not only you will not be bothered by them anymore but also it decreases your anger. The less you get angry the better you manage to do your daily stuff.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light



Have faith in yourself and future. Nothing is eternal, this will also end. If you are a believer pray, god will help you withstand this horrible situation. Everything will pass.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that

Martin L. King

Be gentle. Don't use bad words. Getting upset and losing control doesn't solve anything. Remember, you use bad words because you know they are listening and you want to show your anger, but what do you think what happens next. It makes your situation worse. Words are pointless compared to acts.

Solitude, isolation, are painful things and beyond human endurance

Jules Verne

Don't isolate yourself. Isolation is exactly what they want. Isolation makes you a simpler and more vulnerable target. Lonely and isolated people become depressed sooner and easier and loose their ability to think sharp. Be strong and put your strength together, the least you can do is a daily walk.

You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the times

Bob Marley

Talk about GS as much as you can (without harming yourself). We can not defeat this satanic organization ourselves, we are too weak for this. Only if legal institutes like police, justice and media help us we may be able to defeat them. Therefore we must attract their attention to this crime. Thus, inform people no matter how minor the chance that they believe. It is one of our voices that at the end starts the movement. It may be you, your voice. So, please don't be silence.

Your worst enemy is your best teacher


Learn from stalkers. Each time they do something that amaze and bother you, do some research and try to understand how they did it. With this, you add something to your knowledge instead of sitting and eating yourself. The more you learn the easier neutralizing their tricks become. Besides, most of what they do is similar. When you learn to neutralize one, neutralizing the rest become easy.

If you discover something then share it with others such that the rest of us can use your experience.

We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails

Dolly Parton

Neutralize their acts. Everything they do has only one reason "to bother you".  They want to prevent you from doing whatever you want to do by distracting and harming you. Solution is to have contradictory activities. For example, if you want to read and they distract you, do sport, listen to music.

Trust dies but mistrust blossoms


Don't trust anyone. It's an ugly thought but even your best family member or friend can be one of them, everyone has a price. Be very careful about those who hate you or those who are jealous about you. Never trust people.

Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, they are behind you for a reason

No one is perfect, never be ashamed of the bullshits they say about you or uncover your private life. These people know you by your acts. Your families and friends love you because of who you are, your colleagues know you because of your works. So, don't think of rumors and don't let them take your life away.

Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality

Les Brown

Be yourself. All they want is to destroy your life or navigate you to the destruction path such that you destroy yourself. Do not play their games, be smarter. Increase your positive activities, sport, new language, music, craft. It doesn't matter what you do, just don't sit and worry.

Fire can cook your food but it also can burn you, technology can do the same

Don't try to use electronic protections. Even the best and most secure systems can be hacked by non-professionals, then you must realize that hacking the systems that you buy to protect you is a piece of cake for these people. It is waste of money to buy electronic equipment for protection. Be sure they use it (every electronic device) against you.

This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure

Winston Churchill

Register a complaint by police. Even if you don't have any suspect, you can always register a complaint. GS is now recognized in most police offices around Europe (thanks to Dr. Katherine Horton and her companions). More complaints means more attention. Do it for yourself and for other victims.

Write your story and earn money


- It is free. Amazon puts your book online and if it sells you get money.
- It will be a kind of testimony.
- It documents your torture. In the future you can use it as a reference.
- It helps you fill your time when you have nothing else to do.

This is a free ebook template (By clicking on the link you download a book template in the form of a Microsoft Word file) that you can use to write your story.

Don't think about sorrow, bad luck, mistakes etc.

You can make heaven from hell with your mind

Everything will pass, done is done.

Don't drown in the past, the future, you can yet rescue.

Believe in yourself.

Clear your mind of can't.

Try as much as it needs to be tried. Not trying is losing.

When there is a will there is a way.

Start is always the hardest part.

Begin with necessaries, then possible, someday you do the impossible.



And tell yourself:

Positive attitude is a state of mind which I have and is under my control.

My body listens to my mind which says nothing is impossible.

So, I think the impossible and I fight the unbeatable.
I can do everything.



And tell your perps:

The higher you build your barriers, the taller I become.

The farther you take my rights away the faster I will run.

I don't mind being alone in this fight.

It doesn't matter if I win.

What matters is that "I never give up".

Motivational videos or words from famous people



17 Replies to “Advises for TI”

  1. I am ti . I no gs narrsis begins a family unit. Incorporate more needed is blind I didn’t realize own famiy groom sabatoge fit bill spent lifetime get more bang buck out of missrible existence stack for me. I do need help. Trust lost long ago.. receive call or mail can’t tell another hoax . Leanghth family an gang gone plus magnitude..fraud, identity theft,atemt murderer.rape,own lookout dad help an pays thugs break-in pettri dish trick back too .in short no fact I was rape baby, fracture skull was fuher reassurance not recall pluss insurance fraud a mainstay of gang motto ..can’t prove anything..but I body live or die get money from accident stage. Soon had children at 30yr old ex want wait 10yr..2nd child clinic..comnity only reason not dead is a nurse follow up new born listen said something wrong.. also ex had me coming his birthday law only apply me depramental..none care .ex father policeman,investigater 20y ex all finance his name an resently gang stalking Kristi faud identity theif now married to had line up prior ask me have children. Already said more want hear sure keep waiting nightmare end just gets worse liability am house an property parents own purchased head injury money..hold out like slimy carrott so much help ruin an anhialate me for now manifest property don’t think even 3 books hold all put through an continue to … I so do need help believe not trick ..aware gang tier slash capable worse who care civall get away murder..ruin who ever not boght, blackmail or stand gain cecomevent law an Everett court corupt have proof an why break in steal ever please marriage records.picturese 13yr married pictures my two boys so cruel ex fraud wife rub my face stareve for stole claim only son she had kill him self..a lie ex father coach my family too systematically eliminate me..greed an ex dad Wana be politician look like my Curtis whom 14yr old conciser me dead so wipe away attorney had took medical records.. fraud medical records,fraud on my social security,fraud at it’s on an on professional asasins…

    1. Cristie It seems that you have a very tough life but you are very strong. I hope you stay strong till a solution for this crime is found.
      Have faith and be patient. I don’t know where you live. But you can use the map to find other TI near you and ask their help.
      God bless

  2. One thing in this theory that is incorrect, they do steal and take our personal items, I have had thousands of dollars of personal items taken to include one of my cats right out of my apartment. Vacuums, clothes, Jewelry, Shoes, Kitchen Ware. They also damage everything and for some women TI we are drugged and raped. It really depends if you are a whisle blower or community activist, reporter etc..

    1. Dear Sir/Lady,
      I’m sure that they enter our properties to damage stuff and put bugs but I had never heard about the theft.
      My theory about them not stealing anything was that they don’t want police get involved in this story.
      But I believe you and advise you to report it. Not only you may find your stuff back but also may get protection (more patrolling around your house).
      Wish you strength, take care.

    2. They will take everything sadly it’s a satanic gang stalking cult. I’m going through it and can be killed at any point

      1. My guess is that “New World Order” and “White Supremacy” is behind this. So the whole this is financed by them.
        If by video you mean their observation of us, I don’t think that they spread it anywhere because of two reason:
        1. Except the team that is responsible for a TI, no one else has time to watch so much video (at least if you are not interesting).
        2. Because this recording is illegal, they try to keep it as secret as possible.

  3. I’m being gang stalked in Lane county Oregon. To me they seem week because, I always talk to them like I don’t notice they are trying to stalk me. It frustrates them and I love seeing it in there face. It kind of makes me feel special. Powerful is what a TI is. All eyes on us. The man power and time spent. It makes them seem week.

    1. Glad that you are a strong person. Be like that but I suggest that you don’t challenge them. After all these people are capable of many awful things. It is not if they harm you. It is when and how bad. Just be calm and live your life.

  4. Dear lady,
    Unfortunately your comment is too long and I don’t have time to read all of it, but I read some parts and I guess you are in lot of pain and you are hurt. I hope that your situation gets better.

    1. Stupid is too little to describe GS. To me even all these words together can not describe it:
      Psychopathic, disgust, insane, stupid, pointless, irresponsible, reckless, wasteful and crime.

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