Definition & Methods

Strong people define themselves; weak people allow others to define them

           Ken Poirot

Targeted Individual

"Targeted Individual" or TI is a person who find him/herself being harassed continuously by unknown group of people and organizations. The description of their problems is exactly the same, regardless of their age, sex, religion, nationality, education or any other characteristics. The only difference is the hardness of their harassment. This is directly related to the duration of their stalking. Most TIs notice gang stalking after a while . The longer one is stalked, the more one notices various harassments and physical (body) disturbances. It won't take long that the real, unbearable and most inhumane tortures will start.

Gang Stalking

"Gang Stalking" (GS) is an organized nonstop harassment at its worst and strongest form. It consist of pursuing, tracking, monitoring, bullying a person 24/7 for the rest of target's life. Targets can be chosen for many reasons, jealousy, hatred, ideological differences, revenge, silencing are the most common motives. Stalking happens in different ways and it's objective is to destroy the target's life completely until the target commits suicide. 

A perfect crime, a genius organization and perhaps the vastest organization on the planet. Secret agencies are big but for sure not as big as this organization. Definitely secret agencies are in every major city all around the world but as countries and cities become less important, the number of agents and therefore their ability to operate becomes less. How great is the chance that in the middle of a desert in a village with only few hundred people or in a Nomad tent in a remote mountain where no one and nothing is to spy on, a secret agent operates? Almost none, because they don't want to expose their agents for a minor subject. But this is different for gang stalkers. Hence their aim is to harass a person no matter the costs. Therefore, even when this group has no agent in the place where it is needed they don't hesitate to do that and they do it in no time. They don't mind exposing their agents because it is part of the job, to harass, to persecute, to bother, to stress.

Genius, because their stalking method is made such that no one believes the victims. Many times I asked myself the question: how great is the chance to believe a person with the same story as mine (if I had never heard about gang stalking)? The answer is: ZERO. What if I had heard about gang stalking? Would I then believe? Again, high probably not.

The use of the most sophisticated and the latest cutting edge technologies that only a few handful experts have understanding about them, has made this crime look more fiction than fact. We as targets, became aware of these technologies because everyday we were confronted with these unexplainable pain and mysteries. When there is no apparent cause for a problem but there are symptoms, one can guess or research for it. Then it won't take long to have a list of logical explanation for the event and to pick up the most plausible one.

Obsession such that no word can describe it. The words psychopathic, crime, disgust, insanity, stupidity, pointless, irresponsible, reckless, wasteful all together are description of this act. This group torture and destroy all kinds of people with no exception and without having any count for the costs. To reach their goal which mostly takes decades for each and every individual to be destroyed and in some cases even with no victory, they spend millions, use thousands of man hours and destroy many resources. This I call obsession and insanity.

Just be a family member or someone, something that a victim cares about or lives with, is an enough excuse for this group to destroy the subject. You have to cooperate with them or you will be destroyed.


Their harassment practice is derived from real life occurrences and is done in such a way that when a victim complains about his/her problems the auditor thinks that it is a normal daily happening and therefore assumes that the target has mental problems rather believing them. Fear for disbelieve makes victims situation even worse and gives the stalkers a green light to do whatever they like to.

Stalkers use different methods to achieve their goals, but these methods are identical in every reported case all over the world. Remember, a target is under surveillance 24/7 (even when the target rests). All conversations and actions of a victim are carefully watched and recorded to be used hereafter. Chasing and surveillance play a crucial role in harassment procedure. Stalkers often use the same gestures, acts and words during their stalking to embarrass and intimidate and to let the target know that he/she has been watched. Bellow, the most important methods are named and a brief example is given.

Social Harassment

Humiliation, embarrassment, disturbing, upsetting or threatening. These happens in targets real (workplace, neighborhood, families and friends) and virtual environment (social media, email, personal web pages). Few examples:

  • - Dirty lies about target is said to each and every collogue, neighbor, friend, family, shop workers, etc.
  • - A neighbor does something that a TI hates. For example puts a pot of plant outside the door which TI has allergy for or hates or there’s a sign, painting or something else on the vase that TI obviously get disturbed.
  • - Imagine target watches something on TV. The next day a colleague makes an inappropriate remark about that TV program that the target was watching the night before.
  • - Utmost personal stuff which nobody or very few people from inner circle of TI know is unveiled. This has a second big impact for a TI. Because these are very sensitive personal stuff, target may feel that his/her friends are also GS cooperatives (can be true if they are GS or false if these information has been gathered via surveillance).
  • - Constantly using hand signals or specific gestures by GS on the street, at workplace, sport centers or anywhere else to pass on revile words or to disturb and threaten a TI.
  • - Making negative comments about a TI on social media.
  • - Sending emails with humiliating, disturbing content.

Sound torture

This is the easiest and most used torture method, the so-called "no touch" torture. In fact U.S. military during Iraq war and CIA in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq used this method to weaken the mental state of prisoners. These agencies used music to torture detainees but any other normal daily sounds can be used as torture middle. When it's used properly, even the loveliest piece of music or any other normal sound becomes the worst torture instrument in the world.

That's how it works. First bring the attention of the victim to the desired sound (remember that victim is under surveillance and stalker knows when it is the right moment). After this awareness, repeating the sound for a few times when victim is not at his/her top condition (tired, needs rest, is upset or needs to focus on something) does the job. Now the work is done and victim is sensitized to this particular sound. From now on every time victim hears this sound even on his/her top condition, this works like hammering a nail in the brain. The beauty of this torture is that it can be applied absolutely everywhere inside and outside the victim's living environment (in every city or country).

At home this sound can be produced via two different sources, neighbors and sounds coming from nowhere. A neighbor can cause this sound by dropping, rolling or dragging something on the floor or heavy steps walking, vacuuming multiple times per day, etc. Sounds coming from nowhere are produced by resonating a surface. Almost everything can be resonated, like glass, wood, metal, plastic, dry wall, etc. To do that, one can use sound frequencies not hearable to human or by vibrating stuff (which is a bit harder to utilize). In addition, cooling or heating solid objects produces a momentary sound (like bang, crack, etc.). Other sounds outside living environment are recorded and played later (animals, police, ambulance or fire fighting siren).

Electronic Harassment

When electromagnetic radiation is used to influence, mutilate, harm or torture someone then the term "electronic harassment" via covert or direct energy weapons is used. Some examples of electronic harassment are:

"Sound torture" or "voice to skull" or "Microwave auditory effect". Many TI claim to hear some kind of sound in their ears and in their head. Most of them hear some kind of buzz like sound while others can hear complete words and sentences. It's a fact that for years audio effect technologies have been used to disperse people (demonstrations, pirates, etc.). Other example is to prevent animals to come to a zone specially bugs and insects with great success. United state government claims that this method was used against U.S. and Canadian diplomats in Cuba, China and many other places from 2017, they call it "Havana Syndrome".

Directed-energy weapons (DEW) or Ultrasound (microwave radiation RF/MW) can cause brain injury, breathing problems, disorientation, nausea, pain, burn, vertigo, itching, tinnitus , sleep disorder, headaches, sensations of pressure or vibration, nosebleeds and brain swelling. It affects your cognition, vision, balance, speech, and many more.

Electronic harassment can also be done via World Wide Web (internet). In this case computers, smartphones, smart TV or any other device which is connected to internet is used for harassment.

Mind Control

If you have any doubt that "Mind Reading" (MR) and "Mind Control" (MC) are possible or not, go to information page and read some articles or look at some video's that I have provided there.  These topics are no more science fiction. You, yourself can google these words and you will be surprised to see how many firms and institutes are working on these subjects for medical, military, etc. purposes.

In fact brain monitoring and affecting (controlling) has been done for many years. "EEG" or "Brain implants" (neural implants) are used in medicine for monitoring conditions like Epilepsy, Brain stimulation for various diseases like Parkinson and for the treatment of movement disorders, etc. Studies and publications on both subjects are over a century old. First recording of brain activity by means of EEG was done in 1924 and first stimulation of muscles was done in 1874. The only difference between past and present is that in the past surgery was needed but nowadays a kind of injection does the work (read more) either , for the case of neural implants surgery was needed. For EEG to work, one needed to put the  wired electrodes on the surface of skull. Today they use "Electrocorticography". In addition, today's Nano Technology has made it possible to build a wireless device to do all the above mentioned tasks into a single Nano Dust (smart dust) which can monitor, detect, sense, communicate and much more.

Unbelievable no touch torture

Almost science fiction. Many of the targets including myself claim that somehow they can do anything and everything with our mind and bodies. From the most harmless act (which when done in an inappropriate time or place or when it is done numerously, it for itself becomes the worst nightmare) to the most awful and painful torture.

Awakening multiple times per night or even preventing a victim from sleep completely. Somnipathy (fake sleep disorder) is one of the worst no touch tortures. They do it in such a way that victim understands that his/her awakening is unnatural. First, they wake you up "on time". Exactly on hours or half hours or correlated times. By this I mean at 5 or 5:30 or 5 to 5 or 10 past 10, etc. Second, "sudden awakening" not little by little. I don't know anymore the feeling of waking up in a smooth and painless manner. The effect of having sleep shortage stays with you for the whole day which affects your work, mood, performance and much more.

Examples of:

  • Painless but dirty things that they do are to make you sweat, feel cold, sneeze, cough, run your nose, burb, empty gas from your bottom, scratch or rub your skin endlessly (everywhere on your body from head to toes), urinate, defecate, diarrhea, etc.
  • Painless but irritating and botherful things are tinnitus, change the focus of eye, nerve stimulate of almost all the nerves, arouse your sexual organ, etc.
  • The most painful tortures are headache (cluster or migraine like headaches), breathing disturbance, burning your foot sole, heart pain (disturbance), belly pain, etc.

Although to this day no one has given a good explanation of how these things are possible and which technology is used but because they have done these so many times to me (almost infinite times) I know how most of them are done (what the cause is) but I don't know by what means they do it (whit what, but I have an idea). For a (not complete) list of my torture read the end of about me.

Please take us serious. Judge, based on different characteristics not only one
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin L. King

2 Replies to “Definition & Methods”

  1. I am a victim of this electronic harassment. No touch torture with implants in my ears against my will. I could use all the help I can yet. I’m not a terrorist. I don’t plan on hurting myself or anybody else. I just want these loser pig man to get locked up in federal prison for 30 years because it’s a federal crime. So if anybody can reach out to me and help me. That would be great , thank you

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