
More will be add to this page (text, pictures and videos).

Note 1: All the videos that I have attached as an example of some harassment should clearly show why I have reached this conclusion. By this I mean I have explained the reason why something shows abnormal behavior. For example the video of "Site can't be reached" I clearly show (by checking my connection and trying all other options which you may try it yourself) that stalkers block my access and it is not my hallucination or wrong doing that I can access a simple web page. If  you see otherwise in the video, be sure that they have changed it. In this case, if you want send a message and I send you the video by email.

Note 2: I have only added pictures and videos of computer harassment because it can be easily produced by making screen shots (.jpg files) or screen captures (.mp4 files) which are suitable for web pages. Other file formats are either result in big files which makes the site hard to load and people lose interest to look at the site or they up with a bad detailed file or they need to be converted which takes a lot of time.

Note 3: You may say it is also possible to do the same for cell phone. However it doesn't work so simple. Most of the free versions of these application store the result of a recording in package files or other formats like AMR, 3GP, etc. The second reason is that I have to connect my phone to my laptop and download files and etc. which takes time.

Bellow are just few examples of harassments that I mention. It is almost impossible to name all their work. Most of us (victims) have not used notes from the beginning of our harassment simply because sometimes years passes when one notices he/she is being stalked. Even when I began to document my life, there were countless occasions that I simply could not remember or document what has happened. For example because when something happened I had not the opportunity to write and later I was tired and slept. At the other hand, it is a full time job if a target wants to note (document) everything.

Everything you read bellow has occurred to me times and times again. You can imagine that when some of these things happens just once per day, day in day out, how much of my time is wasted and how much pressure I withstand. Sometimes I wish there was a way to calculate how many days (months, years) of my life is wasted and how much money and manpower they have spent because of these harassments. Not only waste of money and time but also waste of goods, foods, medicines and many other resources.

Notes about computer harassment:

I am a computer addicted person. Everything I do is with computer, my work and my hobbies. The only luxury thing that I buy and try to keep it up to date is my laptop. Although I am a software engineer and should be able to find and solve all my computer problems but these people are so good in finding ways to change all my settings and preferences that I eventually gave up playing their games. Most of the times I just accept the situation and try to get use to the new behavior of my laptop but sometimes it is not possible and to solve my problem I need to spend lot of time to find out what they have done and fix the problem.

Don't bother to read this paragraph if you are just a normal or even an average computer user. Professionals may think, OK, there are more ways to reduce the damage. For example image of disk or frequent backup of important files or whatever else. My answer to these people is this: either a computer should not have connection hardware or the second you connect, you are finished. They are capable to put software in your computer (in front of your eyes) such that no anti-virus, malware, spyware, etc. software like McAfee, Kaspersky (these two are the ones that I bought the license) can detect them.  Even if you find it, there is no way to remove, rename, change any properties of it. They can change, hide, disable or whatever in the registry and BIOS. Even with a clean clone or backup on a DVD or USB I have never been able to undo what they do (I guess they make an imaginary disk on my hard disk and have put the fake recovery on it). Besides, even if I finally be able to undo their work, the next moment I connect is the same story.

Notice that in the above explanation I have not mentioned a word about them being capable of seeing us exactly what we do or reading our mind (passwords, etc. won't work).

Computer harassment examples:

  • - Email:
    • Sending some of my emails to spam, trash
    • Marking emails as read, important, starred
    • Moving emails from one folder to another
    • Blocking my email to reach me or my destination
  • - Interrupting my modem connection
  • - Blocking my internet access:
    • This page isn't working (video)
    • Site can't be reached (video)
    • Page not found
    • Forbidden (even when I use VPN)
    • Connection Error
    • Permission Errors
    • Connection not secure
  • - Altering my search settings (video)
  • - A simple search takes minutes with no result (video)
  • - Slowing my laptop (video)
  • - Proving that I am not a robot (video)
  • - Heating, hanging, crashing
  • - Changing display format
  • etc.

Cell phone harassment examples:

  • - Calling multiple times with different excuses like wrong number or do you want this or that when I want to rest or when I'm busy with something. The list of my blocked numbers is maybe more than thousand.
  • - Make my cell phone silence
  • - Turning off my alarms
  • - Emptying my battery by running multiple background application. Another effect of this is that my cell phone overheats
  • - I have opposite of autofill. It means that every time I search for a contact, instead of typing one or two letters and seeing my desired contact I have to type the whole name and if I have multiple same names then God should help
  • - Prevent me from sending or receiving SMS
  • - Block my incoming or outgoing calls
  • - Altering (multiplying) sender names (my messages from one sender splits to different names. For example name becomes Name, nAme, name1, etc. The effect is searching for something becomes very annoying)
  • - Deleting messages
  • - Dimming my display
  • - Altering the volume
  • - Interrupting my internet connection
  • - Turning off my display
  • - Disabling my Apps. I sometimes use Call Recorder but in hours of need when recording is really important to me they disable my App.
  • - Turning off my keyboard (when I need to type something they turn my keyboard off

Home harassment examples:

Here I mention the most occurred ones, the events that happen everywhere (since I noticed stalking, I have moved five times).

  • - People coming in front of my house to argue, talk with cellphone, look at building, etc.
  • - Cars want to make a U turn in front of my house. A turn that can be done with just one time forward and one time backward takes them six or more times.
  • - All my remote controls work partially.
  • - Damaging electrical equipment (mostly short circuiting).
  • - Damaging my chargeable batteries in equipment like shaver, tooth brush, cell phone, power bank, etc.
  • - Altering the behavior of my TV, digital video receiver (I can't record or play from USB. Renaming my channels, etc.).
  • - Hiding (replacing) my stuff.
  • - Damaging my cloths (tearing up, adverse the color, zip, button), shoes.
  • - Opening water tap just before I fall to sleep.
  • - Killing the plants.
  • - Damaging my house decoration.
  • - Strange sounds come from everywhere (whizz, creak, whirr) specially from electrical equipment.
  • - Water boiler heater warries the water temperature and pressure (taking shower is a dilemma).
  • - Damaging toilet flush system.
  • - Changing temperature of air-conditioner, refrigerator, microwave.
  • - Coffee machine turns off by itself.
  • - Puncturing bicycle tires.
  • - Putting (on back fallen) dead cockroaches in my home.
  • - etc.

I'm a survivor, a living example of what people can go through and survive

Elizabeth Taylor

4 Replies to “Examples”

  1. Hi im a targeted individual please pray for me thank you. It’s a living 🌃 mare currently been in hospital for on and off three years it started from age four as severe bullying and exclusion I’ve been declared insane recently with persistent delusional disorder.

    1. Hi Emma,
      From the bottom of my heart, I pray that demons around you go to hell and that you will be left alone, in peace to get your health and strength and to live your life.

  2. My nickname for them is nightmare people. There’s the nightmares that I’ve been attacked in while sleeping but there’s also the nightmares during the day. I can’t say everything, but they crush my heart,lungs and chest.They call it punishment. I feel my chest going into my body and I have no control of it. They know because one of my grandparents had it, Brugada, I may have it. Brugada is a condition that affects the heart’s rhythm. I’ve been read that their goal is not to kill a person. I don’t understand that because I know they’re trying to give me a heart attack. They’ve been doing this day after day for a long time. It’s starting to take a toll on my body. At times my lungs feel like they have needles in them and my breathing is heavy. They mock saying that you can’t pray when oxygen is being cut off from your brain (and yes I get attacked in some way or other every time I pray).

    They make fun of the blind, kids with cancer(commercials) ,etc… They think it’s funny to do these torture techniques to me due to my autism. I read that Corrie Ten Boom had a stroke a few years before her death. They made fun of her stroke. One person, on voice to skull, pretends she has cancer. She thinks it’s funny. Sorry if this seems choppy. I’m really having trouble focusing. I just needed to tell someone so I don’t feel so isolated.

    1. Best Michelle,
      These people have no heart and their only goal is to harm people and to earn money from their insane act. You just keep praying and live your life. Sport and meditate if you can, it also helps a lot.
      My best wishes for you

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