
The finest steel has gone through the hottest fire

R. M. Nixon

Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect

Although history has proven that "nothing is eternal" and everything comes to an end, but we must not sit and wait for end of GS to come. We must put all our energies together to accelerate the ending process of this satanic program. No one else would do it for us.

I've divide the current society into five groups regarding GS:

- Those who are involved in this crime (organizers and perpetrators)
- Targets
- Companions of targets (family, friends, social workers, lawyers, police, etc.)
- People who have heard of GS but are not interested or scared to do anything
- People who have never heard of GS

If we don't consider the advantages that stalkers have upon us (professional people, equipment, money, etc.), we should at least take into account that they are organized group and work together. Population of targets with our companions together are less than stalkers and we are solo individuals. Let's assume that for any target there are at least (this is really a very low guess) three active and five passive perpetrators and for any target two companions (for most of us there's no companion). This means that in average they are four times more than us (again, their power is not taken into account). In it's turn, this means that we can never win the fight unless our numbers exceeds theirs.

Perps, your organization will kill you before you get old

It's hard to imagine that such a highly secret organization (GS) that so many targets around the world try to prove its existence, has a low security. In contrary their security system must be the tightest in the world. No information must ever leak.

It's inevitable that someday for some reason one of the operatives defects and becomes a whistle-blower. Not only because they think this is a right thing to do but also for other reasons like:

  • Aging: Most old people talk. They become forgetful and love to talk about their past. About what they have done, their glories. It is at this moment (aging) that your life ends. Years before you expect.
  • Conscious: Everyone may change his/her mind as time passes. Specially as people get old and become afraid of their next life or how they might die, they seek forgiveness by becoming a good person. This is the nature of human. For a perpetrator it is the end, they never let you get old.
  • Love: One of the beloved ones of an operative becomes a target. As number of targets grow this chance increases too.
  • Drink: Alcohol makes people talk adventuresome, carelessly, harshly.
  • Scared: Fear of being exposed or one of the colleagues is exposed and might lead to exposal of others.
  • Traitor: Everybody has a price. When paid enough, one can do anything.
  • Wrongdoing: Personal problems like becoming nervous, being upset or having a bad day increases chance of mistake.
  • Torture: The chance exist the somehow one of these perpetrators is kidnapped and forced to talk.

Like any secret agency the operatives of GS should be monitored 24/7 to eliminate their chance of defecting. It means that not only stalkers but also their families are monitored. The GS organization should be able to eliminate any whistle-blower or traitor within minutes before any word comes out of their mouth.

This leads to the conclusion that they too have GPS implanted in them, maybe even more than what we have inside us and they too are mind controlled. Actually reading the mind of an operative is more important than reading of a target mind, because even the slightest thought of defection poses maximum threat for the organization. Therefore:

Perps, you are watched and mind controlled more than us, Your family are not exceptional

Cure for this disease is publicity, let your voice be heard before it's too late

Don't wait till there is no turning point, do something about it. If you are a clean person, there is nothing to be afraid of, if not, don't be afraid of being exposed. Everybody has done something wrong in his/her life. They know that everybody is afraid of being exposed and they use it to keep you quiet, the more scared you get the more harm you are going to confront. By being silence you make not only your situation worse but also of the others. Think of your past, has your situation got any better? Get over your problems and stand for your rights. This is not going to hurt your relationship, work opportunities, image or anything else. Today there're lots of publishing about GS and TI, if someone doubt you, prove yourself, show these materials.

We can and we must defeat this project otherwise not only we suffer till the last day of our lives but also more people become target and suffer like us. So for the good of humanity raise your voice and talk about GS and try to convince people that this crime really exist and has to be stopped.

Don't act like a victim, become a hero.

I've read and watched many TI's testimonies and I know that lot of them are in the begin phase of GS. GS is much worse. Few people talk about problems with their body organs like eyes, genital, throat, etc... Most people talk about mind control or electronic harassment. Think of the moment that even your breathing, drinking is under their control, when they can choke you with your own spittle or with the food you eat, when they can change your heart beat, affect your sexual life. These are just a few simple examples of what they can do. Read my story in About to know what they are capable of.

Finally things get clear and this program will come to an end then it's our turn. We will be the ones who can claim to be the one who has lived through years of torture and survived. You are the strongest, you have defeated an unimaginable strong enemy. Think of what you do for humanity if you raise your voice against crime. You will rescue many people from being tortured. Those who stand for the human rights will forever be remembered as hero.