
Research is creating new knowledge, knowledge is power

Niel Armstrong & Francis Bacon

We are now in 2024 and high probably you know not much about "Brain Implants" (BI).

Before this decade ends, BIs are as common as mobile phones. Like Facebook, twitter, etc. that you were dragged into it and later they became an unmissable part of your life, BI too, will become an unmissable part of you.

More than anything else you want to have it inside your head. Not because it's novel, but because if you don't have it in your brain you are retarded. You wont get any job or worst than all, you can't even have a normal conversation. People equipped with these devices think better, function faster and more efficient. It's not needed to say that if a processor is in your brain you have the answer of everything in matter of seconds.

Although some scientists believe it is impossible to fully understand brain functionality, today BI is applied on humans (bellow several videos of the actual applications¹²³¨). Now ask yourself this question:

"How is it possible that brain implants are already in use?"


- These devices are in the market and are being used.
- Every medical related stuff, be it a medicine or an equipment, needs the approval of FDA like organization (no matter the country). Even for the most trivial ones, it takes years to fulfill all FDA requirements. This is also the case for introducing a new version of an already existing medicine (like an Aspirin) or equipment (like a Thermometer). Many test cases and proves need to be represented to show that the new product is completely safe and does exactly what it suppose to do.
Scientists say that brain is the most complex system in the universe and testing on brain was and is forbidden. In fact companies like Neuralink are fighting for permission to perform such tests on human brain. Only this year (2024) after years of juridical battle between FDA and Neuralink they gave them permission to test BI on human. This means that they have made a BI device and have done some tests on animals now they need hundreds of test subjects (humans), thousands of thousands different scenarios to test and countless test hours for each and every scenario. Nevertheless these devices are in use, example: Synchron.
- Brain surgery is one of the top three riskiest operation. Thus, there aren't many people willing to take the risk of being the test subject, no matter how great the reward is.


- BI is being used (search yourself to see how many different devices are already in use, search for example: Paralyzed people communicating, or Paralyzed people walking, etc.). It means that for great proportion they work properly, thus, they should have been tested in the past.
- No record of these tests (experiments) exists except for few minor cases.
- TIs, were the lab rats for these experiments. They illegally had done all the needed experiments on us to understand how these devices work. This is why this technology has become suddenly available today. This is what we, as victims of gang stalking, are shouting for years.

Stop your filthy experiments on us

The writings are overwhelmingly on the wall

For a victim to get help, one needs to explain his/her problem. However the most difficult and even impossible task for a TI is to convince people that GS exist and he/she is a TI. Personally, my effort to convince people has always ended in failure for more than a decade. This is horrible, not only you don't get help, support or even a little bit sympathy but in contrast, the mental pressure on you increases. Instant after you explain your situation, even those who know you for years and never doubted your mental health, think that you are crazy. From one hand the gravity of events explained by victim is unbelievable and on the other hand lack of knowledge by the audience makes it incredible.

Therefore I have divided the subject into two parts, namely "Gang Stalking" and "Mind Control" and gathered some undeniable facts written or told by very credible sources on both subjects like scientific publications, conferences, news channels, newspapers, etc. All have references to the original source so that you can check an read more. Notice that the first published study and experiment on human brain is almost 150 years old.


Gang Stalking

• Scientific Studies, investigations and statistics.
• News coverage in TV and newspapers.
• Testimonies of TIs, FBI special agent Ted Gunderson and Edward Snowden.
• Psychologist Opinions.

Mind Control

• History of human mind control as well as motion and behavior manipulation.
• Current mind control applications and available devices.

Gang Stalking on News Channels

9 videos, 2 articles

Mind, Motion and Emotion Control History

6 Articles and 3 videos


Available Mind Control Devices

8 videos & some articles

Scientific Studies & Investigations

5 Official Researches


About 200 testimonies

Psychology Opinions

One Evaluation


A. L. Huxley English philosopher and writer of essays, poems, narratives. In his most famous novel "Brave New World" (1932), he wrote about the dehumanizing aspects of scientific progress. Below is his quote:

A.Huxley - New Brave World.jpg

JFK The Speech That Killed Him

President Obama Executive Order 13521

On November 24, 2009, President Obama ordered the establishment of a "Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues". It took one and half year for the commission to assemble. On 8 May 2011 they organized a hearing in New York to hear the testimonies of some gang stalking victims. A part of this hearing is in this video. After the hearing was done, it took the commission about two months to research and conclude. Finally on July 27, 2011 they send their absurd findings to president Obama. And guess what they found: "They found that they should keep their mouth shut". Bellow the actual  letter to President Obama (click on the picture to see the full size nonsense):

Presidential Hearings in NYC on May 18, 2011

Targeted Individual's testimonies

Articles & Books

Sites & Conference

Living Robots and Nanotechnology

Most TIs have problems with pulsing parts of their bodies. Some say they feel it in their belly, others say on their face and some say the whole body. Almost everyone thinks that these motions are caused by DEWs but there is absolutely no doubt for me that Living Robots (Xenobot, Programmable Organism) and Nano technology (at least half a century old) especially Nano Tubes are used cause these effects. Although the announcement of first success in making Living Robots was made in 2019 but I believe that some other organization or military program had achieved this technology at least two decades before.

My first reason is that I feel these pulses (vibrations) even when I am on the move (like in the car) and surrounded with people. In this situation it is highly unlikely that this group can direct such weapons towards me unless these DEWs are pocket size weapons and doesn't need aiming (like it should fit in the pocket of one of my companions). Here the next question rises, why others don't feel this? Either they feel and lie to me, or they don't feel the vibration. In some cases I am certain that it is not a lie (not all my companions could be stalkers, 99.99% sure). Thus I conclude that this is a system that can be turned on and off and not a weapon that is directed towards you. These programable living robots have the ability to do so and they can be turned on either by an electric current or by some waves. People who have them in their bodies feel the vibrations and others don't.

Second reason and the most important one is that if these vibrations occur on or near the surface of my skin I can stop them. Simply by putting alcohol pad on the spot for about a minute they stop functioning. These things happen to me few times per day, 24/7. I describe their effects in detail in About section.

First video shows Living Robots, how they work and what they can do. The second one is research by a TI about Nano Dust, Tubes and Crystals and the effects on people (a bit scientific and long).

Living Robots

Vibrations and movements inside our bodies comes from this

Living Robots

Nano Crystals

Exactly how it is done (a bit scientific and long video)

Nano Crystals

One of the best collection of TI's testimonies

The address of this video changes. If you can't see it here, it means they have changed the address again. Go to YouTube and type: International Targeted Individual day 2020 or World Targeted Individual Day 3. Or any other search using Targeted Individual day.

This video that was made for TI day 2020 shows testimonies of people from different nationalities, ages, genders and colors.  Some of them have a little story to tell, others just introduce themselves. This video is interesting for two major reasons:

First, it shows the recognition of gang stalking victims by Tokyo governor candidate in summer of 2020. He campaigned to require action on behalf of targeted individuals. His speech on organized stalking and electronic harassment was broadcasted on Japan national TV (NHK). Also it shows the largest protest ever made by victims of gang stalking till August 2020 (you can see this part of the video from minute 3:22 to 4:05).

Second, there is an ex-victim who claims that she was stalked for many years. Later she was immigrated to another country and since then her stalking has been stopped. This gives hope to other victims "the chance that stalking might stop, exist".

International Targeted Individual day 2020

Targeted Individuals International Day

Personal Videos

This part is more for TIs. These videos are from YouTube. If you are in a country which filters YouTube, you need to use VPN.

Symptoms and signs. How do I know if I’m a TI?

How Gang Stalking Can Be Defeated

Phases of Being Targeted Individual

Advice of a Good Man For TIs

Strange senses, unusual body activities

The following two videos are statements of two GS victims. First one explains how weird and untimely he coughs and sneeze and the second one is from Dr. Katherine Horton an Oxford PHD physician (a very credible woman who has worked for the most famous research centers in Europe) who verifies about the same (and more) unwanted activities in her body. Unfortunately Dr. Horton videos are made under tremendous stress and confusion and are not edited, thus these videos are long (one has to be patient to get to the core of her statements). Dr. Horton has made a series of videos talking about different aspects of GS. She also made an interview with a "The Richie Allen Show" in association with, "Oxford PHD Katherine Horton Intelligence Agencies Are Attacking Me With Direct Energy Weapons!"

Remotely Causing Cough & Sneeze

Remotely Causing Muscle Movements & nerve stimulation

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