
Brain Computer Interface

Not a secret, public knowledge

If you want to ignore that such devices exist then you are either naive or not interested in science. The brain computer interface exist commercially for more than a decade. In fact the earliest research on electrical activity of the brain was in 1920's. With advent of computers the first real study of brain-computer interface which I'm aware of is begun in 1970's at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The speed in which these interfaces evolve is unbelievable. Different names for these devices are:

Brain–computer interface (BCI) from Wikipedia
Mind-machine interface (MMI) from  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Neural-control interface (NCI) from National Library of Medicine U.S. (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
Brain Computer interface (BCI) from National Library of Medicine U.S. (National Center for Biotechnology Information)

Right now there are many different fields of usage:

- Medical purposes: ALS (already tested), Paralyzed and Alzheimer patients, blindness, hearing, controlling your artificial limbs, addiction, depression, etc.
- ComfortTyping, surfing internet, moving the wheelchair, turning on and off all your home devices. All with your thoughts. The most famous example of this technology was Stephan Hawking's wheelchair with its attached screen.
- GamingNeuro gaming (now available in wide range).
- Military: Talk to each other remotely and wirelessly just by thinking, having a total view of the battle in their mind, preventing soldiers to be afraid, etc.
- Vehicles control: Wheelchair ¹², airplanes, helicopters, ships, cars, even your mower or any other moving system.
- Security: Authentication of Password.

In the past you needed to put an EEG helmet on your head, 1970's. Later they implanted (needed surgery) these electrode in your head, first decade of this century. Now they are able to put these electrodes in your blood vessels without surgery (Australian company Synchron). In less than ten years any of us will have one or the other kind of these devices at home. Privacy is gone, Good luck.

With These Devices You Can Control Machines with Your Mind

German DW TV English

Brain Computer Interface

How Mind-Reading Technology conquers your Brain

Ted Talks

Ted Talks - Mind Reading Device

Brain Implant

Control Computers with the Mind


Mind-reading device

Translates thoughts into text

CHILLING Mind Reading AI Machine Translates Thoughts Into Text

Australian Academy of Science: Just think

Playing computer game by thinking, without using hand

Playing World of Warcraft using Emotiv EPOC

A Real Mind Reading Machine

Paralyzed People Communicating

A Real Mind Reading Machine - Paralyzed People Communicating


Implantable brain–machine interfaces

For those who don't believe that mind reading/writing is possible: Elon Musk the owner of this company claims that in near future they will be able to completely copy someone's thoughts and restore it to a computer or any other electronic device or even to someone's else brain (immortal life).

NeuraLink Architecture

NeuraLink Arcithecture

The Actual Device

Actual Device.jpg

You Can Have Four

NeuraLink How It Works

A FitBit in Your Skull

Monkey plays MindPong with his Neuralink

Monkey plays MindPong

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