
Opinion of Professionals About TIs

An article from the The Reporters by Kim Whiting a psychologist, writer, editor, speaker and a reporter, Government's Guinea Pigs? "Investigating the Claims of ‘Targeted Individuals’ Who Insist They're Being Stalked, Tortured"

"Jack arrived at my office looking like the Hollywood version of a science professor. He was in his late 40s, with slightly unruly, longish hair, a buttoned-up shirt with a pen in the pocket, jeans, and well-made leather shoes.

I asked for his level of education and he told me that he had a PhD in engineering. He went on to say that he’d invented some highly classified technology for a U.S. Department of Defense contractor. He also told me he’d been put on suspension several months prior, due to excessive drinking."

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2 Replies to “Psychology”

  1. My experience indicates the medical profession are involved, hospitals are without doubt involved. Consider the older inplants, who else would be qualified to implant such devices. Propaganda, misinformation and confusion being spread on the web, to discredit.

    1. Unfortunately lot of people including doctors, nurses, firefighters and many more employees from all the other sectors cooperate with them.
      Some willingly, others convinced by telling them bunch of lies about the victim and the rest by threat.

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