
Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done

Ben Stein

This is a Google map which is created by a targeted individual on August 2021. Later other targeted individuals have added their names to it. This map shows the distribution of targeted individuals around the globe. Although certainly not representing the total number of victims. First, because lot of victims have not seen the map yet and second, because most victims are frightened to reveal their names. If you are a TI and want to add your name to this map, please klick the button bellow.

To see the original map go to: Targeted Individual Data Base.

If you don't see the original map on the site:

Read the end of this page. This is due to denial of access or disappearance of the original map (Added on May 2022).

Albania 2
Algeria 1
Argentina 3
Australia 46
Austria 7
Belarus 6
Belgium 8
Bolivia 1
Brazil 9
Bulgaria 5
Canada 81
Chile 2
China 3
Colombia 3
Croatia 2
Czech Republic 4
Denmark 3
Estonia 1
Ethiopia 2
Finland 13
France 17
Georgia 1
Germany 81
Greece 4
Hong Kong 1
Hungary 7
India 16
Iran 17
Ireland 8
Israel 4
Italy 15
Japan 7
Kenya 3
Kyrgyzstan 1
Latvia 1
Lithuania 2
Macedonia 1
Malaysia 5
Mayotte 1
Mexico 14
Marocco 1
Mozambique 1
Nepal 1
Netherlands 8
New Zealand 7
Nicaragua 1
Nigeria 1
Norway 7
Pakistan 2
Panama 1
Peru 2
Philippines 4
Poland 27
Portugal 3
Qatar 1
Porto Rico 1
Romania 4
Russia 66
Saudi Arabia 3
Serbia 3
Seri Lanka 1
Singapore 2
Slovenia 3
South Africa 8
South Korea 25
Spain 21
Sudan 1
Sweden 10
Switzerland 7
Taiwan 1
Thailand 23
Trinidad 1
Tunisia 1
Turkey 5
Uganda 1
United Kingdom 80
Ukraine 13
Uruguay 1
United States 1095
Vietnam 3

Total People Registered : 1856

Total Countries : 80

This data is last updated on September 2021

Unfortunately, I think something has happened to the founder of the map because her last email to me was on September 25, 2021. After that I sent her two emails but I did not receive any reply. Also, her last post on Facebook is on September 8, 2021. Another person on Facebook had asked her to look at her messages, but no activity was recorded from this lady since then. I wish her the best and I hope the reason of her absence is lack of time and not health issues. Anyway neither the map nor the site work for me and whoever I asked to look at it. I don't have any clue what has happened to this map and the original site which was from However I keep it in my site because:

  • - It may be online and works well but I can't access it (because stalkers block my access see figures 1, 2 and 3 bellow).
  • - It maybe due to other reasons like technical problems.
  • - Perhaps it is really offline.

Anyhow I hope it becomes active again in the future. All the information I have about this site is:
Owner: Shayla Avants
Site name:

She has also Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter accounts.

The two above pdf and excel files contain the information of this map (the database of the map). Consider that the last update of the map (database) has occurred on 28 November 2021 (look at the second line in the pdf or Excel file). It means that the database had been available less than four months. There are 1856 registries and later it has been disabled. However, she mentions on her Facebook that "To date, I've located a minimum of 2,056 #TargetedIndividuals in America".

What I see when I want to open this map is shown in the following three pictures. From left to right:

    1. Figure 1: I click on the map in the menu. It says that I need to log in.
    2. Figure 2: After log in (although I am logged in) I get the message that I need to request access (although I am registered in this database).
    3. Figure 3: It says that I get an email to let me know if my request is accepted or not.

I have done these steps many times but I never got any email.