
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

Being a victim of gang stalking for so long (more than 35 years) and talking to other TIs has given me a enough information to analyze their works and methods and therefore knowing how their organization works. Of course, I've read a lot about how it's possible to induce pain, tinnitus or alter body functions and lot more. I've mentioned some of these in the some pages of this site like:

When you search for the source of these technologies, you will find the following:

Structure of GS

There are multiple organizations involved in this act. From government funded ones like DARPA, DoD, etc. to very daily normal people which have a minimum role in this act (like people passing on the street and saying or doing something that makes you realize that these people belong to GS).

One can look at GS structure from different point of view. My focus goes to two groups:

- Functional
- Motivational


Head of the organization: I strongly believe that there is no single principal for this organization because first, it's multi national and multi discipline and secondly sometimes the interest of various groups in this structure conflicts. For example, in my case the one who has introduced me to this program wants to torture me to dead but it conflicts the interest of the institutes which are using me as lab rat and want me to live for further experiments. Finally, some of the members of this organization are so huge and important such that they will never accept getting order from anybody else or reveal their information to others.

Members of the organization: list of the members contains vast number of companies and individuals which I roughly divide into the following:

  1. Introducer: the one(s) who introduce an individual to put him/her on this program. This person should be a very rich or very influencer or high ranking person in community or member of a secret society like Illuminati, White supremacy, etc.
  2. Investigators: investigates whether or not the introduced person can become a target. Some people are out of reach.
  3. Recruiters: to hire people who have to do various jobs at the victim's residence, work place and on the street.
  4. Technical teams: these teams are divided into various software and hardware groups.
    • - Software groups work on at least three different fields, controlling and monitoring the personal environment of the target (like telephones, emails, electronical equipment's of both sides, stalkers and targets). Second software group is controlling, altering and monitoring the body of the victim and maybe the stalkers. The last software team is responsible for the control and alternation of the outside environment of the victim (like tracking both the victim and perpetrators or communication between stalkers, etc.).
    • - Hardware team: mostly responsible for placing surveillance equipments and other bugs (microphones, sound producing devices, etc.) in the victim's house, damaging victim's belongings and repairing stalkers equipment.
  5. Institutions: Companies that cannot legally test their products on humans. These companies can be pharmaceutical or those who develop new technologies such as brain interfaces or other devices related to altering, helping and damaging the functionality of human body.

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