Whom & Why

If you lose don't lose the lesson

Dalai Lama

It has been more than a decade that I try to prove to my family, friends, doctors or anyone else who I think can be of some kind of help that GS exist and I am a target, with no success. Unfortunately until now no one has ever believed me, not a single word about gang stalking. Their most logical and simplest argument is the following:

  • - You are not important (almost all the targets are ordinary people with an ordinary life).
  • - If they are such a huge organization as you say, why don't they just eliminate you?

Actually, to me it is absolutely not important who is to blame. Since I am positive that this program has started many years ago and the real initiators are high probably dead and that there are many groups and persons responsible for this crime, not just one, ten or hundred persons. Finally, I am not a person who seeks revenge, after all they say "There is no revenge as sweet as forgiveness". Looking for the responsibles neither helps me nor calms me down. Besides, it also wastes my time and money. I try to utilize my potency to find ways to minimalize and neutralize the damage, not only for myself but also for every other victim. If this is done, afterwards it is always possible to look for the criminals.

Personally, I strongly believe that this is an operation which is composed of different societies and resources, some even not knowing what they really do. As an example, a scientist who collaborates for creating the "Brain-Machine Interface" is not thinking that this technology will be used for harassment, like Einstein, who first discovered the famous E = mc² formula and later found out that his formula is going to be used to make atom bomb and to kill thousands of innocent people. Another example, a victim's neighbor or colleague who has been fed with lies about victim may never know the true personality of the victim and therefore believes everything what is said to him.

To answer the above question (in orange), I first describe the objectives of GS and the logic behind it and at the end I name my prime suspect for this crime (although I have mentioned that there is no single organization responsible for this inhuman and devilish practice).

GS Objectives

At the lowest level, its aim is to completely destroy one's life such that the target becomes a discredited and broken person. One step further is to make the individual suffer every second of his/her life via torturing.  A higher goal is to make the target insane and at the highest form is to force that person to commit suicide. Among all the methods they use to reach their goals, the following six are the most common ones:

- Discredit
- Humiliate
- Destroy individual financially
- Confuse, distract
- Physical torture
- Psychological torture

These items are agreed upon all the victims to be the objective of GS. But to me the most important reason is omitted from this list which is:

Research on human body specially mind.

Two important things should be considered about stalkers. First, although one of their goal is to destroy the target financially and they enter the target's house countless (to bug or damage stuff) but they never steal. Second, they don't want to kill the target (at least not by their own hand).

What is the logic behind Gang Stalking

Many TI think that GS is a program initiated by secret services or even governments. American TI think NSA is behind this while those in U.K. think MI5 is to blame, ask it from an Israeli the answer would be Mossad. Other people around the world have other names for it. The reason for this wrong thinking is the immense ability of this group. They are capable of doing whatever, whenever and wherever (in each and every country) they want.

Furthermore the secrecy and security of this group is so unbelievably high that till now no one has ever defected and no whistle-blower has ever said a word about them. Most of the time TI are real desperate and they need to point the finger to someone and they confront with this invisible overall might therefore they think that secret service or even government itself is to blame.

My personal opinion is that GS a completely independent organization that has operatives everywhere (bad apples in every basket). My conclusion is based on two assumptions, first, it was a governmental program initiated in U.S but later was separated and continued as an independent organization and second, it can't be work of any individual or group of psychopaths. Bellow is a brief explanation of  my assumptions. At the end, I name the group of those behind GS.

Author's idea

It’s unreasonable to think that a huge, multinational, highly professional, extremely capable and rich organization devotes its might only to harass people. Harassment can be done much easier and less expensive. More rational is to think of GS as a by-product or a subset of a bigger program. Another possibility is that GS has intersection with other illegal programs.

Understanding human mind is maybe everyone's ultimate wish. Brain is the most complex and the hardest part of body for research. In the past (perhaps even today) research on prisoners and lunatics were conducted (illegally). Today's technologies has made it possible to perform brain experiments wirelessly and with more precision.

Some TI (including myself) are confident that control mind (reading and influencing). Because of this belief this question raised for me: why bother to control mind if their only goal is persecution? Besides, no matter what I do or say they never go beyond a certain limit of harassment (except in few cases which I think was the mistake of some operatives). I even believe that they protect me in some situations. Therefore I concluded that there should be another reason, a kind of  interest that they have in me and I could not find any other answer than I'm used as a lab rat for illegal experiments on brain.

GS is not governmental in most countries

Gang Stalking is probably started as a governmental program in the U.S. by F.B.I (project COINTELPRO) and by C.I.A (project MKUltra). Later they extended MKUltra to Canada and some other countries where U.S had secret detention centers. However, later when these programs were unfolded they soon began to destroy the documents and officially terminated COINTELPRO in U.S in April 1971. MKUltra probably a few years after (although termination of this program is never announced nor proved). My personal opinion is that these projects were never terminated but they undergo some minor changes and continued to this day. 

Citizens of Canada, UK, U.S and a few other countries where there is a very strong bond with U.S and U.S has secret detention centers there like Japan and Germany, "YES", you are probably victims of your government's brutality.

However, for most countries GS is not governmental. The most obvious and undeniable fact is that GS is crime. A crime that targets various types of people who are by no means threat for the country. Every religion, profession, nationality, sex, etc. can be target. No matter who you are or where you are, you can be a victim. Now ask yourself this question: how many governments are in the world that randomly harass their citizens. Besides, there should be a fake office, a ministry or some other organization to manage everything. No other entity in the country (even the president) should ever be able to ask questions about the annual programs, achievements, spending or anything else of this organization.

Last argument to eliminate the idea that governments are the sponsors of this program is that GS is international. Reports of GS comes almost from every corner of the globe. To have an international governmental organization many countries should reach an agreement. It means that even those countries that are enemies (like Israel and Iran) should cooperate with each other which is, in my opinion, impossible. Remember that enemies have the tendency to harm each other. The fact that GS is crime removes the idea of a global cooperation between enemies because these countries want to prove that their enemy is committing crime.

Many TIs including myself have observed cooperation of some police officers, fire-fighters or other government's employee whit GS which may be the reason for these people to believe that GS is governmental, but I rather call them corrupt employees. To think that all police officers or fire fighters are criminals is irrational. All above arguments give me enough evidence to conclude that GS is not governmental in most countries.

GS is not work of psychopaths

No one for revenge, jealousy, ideological differences, etc. would choose GS. If you have enough money and power and you want to punish a person, it’s easier, cheaper, more fun and less time and effort consuming to kill or even kidnap and torture or disable your enemy than to follow him/her 24/7 and harass.

GS needs enormous of money so the owner of GS project should be very rich. Most rich people think about their future, work and have other engagement to deal with. Most psychopaths are not rich, even if they are, they will lose their money very easily and rapidly because they are obsessed with an evil thought and want to achieve their goal with all their might.

Rich people have lot of enemies themselves. As soon as a rich psychopath commit crime those in the surrounding (children, wife, husband, competitor, worker) use the opportunity to grasp the fortune.

Another argument to reject GS as objective of a psychopath is that the method of GS is the same all around the world. Psychopaths are individuals with different kind of illnesses (desires). It's not probable to think that all psychopaths around the world have the same kind of tendency and their approach to do that is the same.

Who are they?

As you can imagine when someone is bothered and desperate, gets angry and use bad words and challenge the opponent. This is the least and last one can do. I'm a member of different groups regarding TI and GS. Read their messages and comments, it's full with hate, anger, curse and profanity. It is clear that if you make a powerful (sadist and psychopath) enemy angry which also has the might over you, you pour petrol on fire. But this is not the case. They don't harm above a certain level, specially if it concerns health. Although I'm sure that they have destroyed my life and continue to do so but I'm also certain that they have helped me in some cases when I really needed help which makes me believe that I am of some value for them.

Notice all the issues mentioned above, what can the goal of this program be?

- Spending millions for harassment of each individual?
- Watching the most unpleasant realities of a targets life (like defecating, cleaning nose, vomiting, farting, masturbating, sicknesses, etc.)?
- Accepting the risk of being caught?
- Harassing people no matter how often these people damn them although they have the power to eliminate them?

Keep in mind that lots of TIs talk about "Mind Control, MKUltra" and “Remote Neural Monitoring". Besides all their positive field of usage, these technologies are used to control people’s behavior. How one is controlled to behave as desired. Control them as slaves and make them do things that their master wants. In this manner they can influence voting behavior, marketing, even changing people’s ideas about other races to eventually have a better/superior/preferable race (or god knows what other unimaginable ideas they have in mind). After analyzing all this, for me it's clear that the main goal of this program is research on human body specially on but because they need people to research on, they choose targeted individuals that are introduced to them and do both research and harassment.

Their main goal is research on human body specially on brain

Harassment is the side issue

Supremacy war on human brain.jpg
The general idea of revolution.jpg

White Supremacy

Perhaps a good start is to look for the origin of gang stalking. Where has it begun? It should be a place where it fulfill at least the following requirements:

- Where was the first announcement of gang stalking?
- Which country has the most population of victims?
- Where required technologies for brain implants, remote neural control, DEW, V2K (voice to skull also known as Microwave auditory effect) etc. exist.
- Which country has the history of ethnic suppression?
- Which capable organization or group wants to control the world?

Before I conclude anything you should notice that due lack of proved studies or statistics about this crime all the conclusions bellow are my best guess which is based on some facts and reports from UN, WikiLeaks, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, U.K. Office for National Statistics, Richard Lighthouse , YouTube videos, MAP etc.

Three countries qualify for all the requirements above, United States, England and Germany. Regarding requirement one, the oldest report of gang stalking seems to come from Germany in the form of Stasi related pursuit and torture at home and outside. Putting aside these Stasi related claims, United states is the place where the first announcement of gang stalking has happened ( in 1960s).

Requirement two: again U.S. has by far the most population of targets. For example 35% of WikiLeaks selected witnesses document are Americans and 65% are from all other countries in the world. Look at the MAP, although U.S. is a large country but density of targets on this map is for sure more than Germany and slightly higher than England. Look at the number of people show up for international TI day in August, except in 2020 in Japan, in U.S. the number of people that show up are many times more than other countries.

Requirement three: no doubt that U.S. is the most advanced country for developing brain implants and remote neural control. They have not only produced and examine different technologies in their military sector but also in their private sector. The other technologies regarding DEW, V2K are almost piece of cake for any developed country to make.

Requirement four: both U.S and U.K have a long history of suppression. Germany may have had such a background but from the end of WW II this is no longer true. Therefore the competition remains between U.S and U.K. Although both countries qualify for this requirement very easily but U.K. has not openly conquered (or directly and alone went into war) with any country (except Falklands). At least U.K. government never openly announce discrimination of any kind. On the other hand many U.S. citizens, groups, officials (including some presidents) have expressed their hate against many minorities like Muslims, colored, migrants, etc.

Requirement five: there are enough groups or orders which have all the qualities to be gang stalker but many of them are not capable to do so, at least not on global scale. The reason to eliminate some of these groups from list of suspects is that they exclude some populations from their society, like Jesuits which exclude none Christians, homosexuals, etc. Real Freemasons exclude women, religious and political groups for membership. The only capable, international and loudly screamed group is White Supremacy. This group has different forms and includes many other groups as well. Actually none white supporters of this group can be more than white members. One strange but not unimaginable aspect of this group is that they have members who actually hate each other (like Jews, Neo-Nazis or Muslims) but because they use any means to reach their goal, it doesn't matter for them who is member for the time being. Later, when they reach their goal they eliminate all none white members. Different reasons can cause people to support this group, such as:

- Some do it for money.
- Others are naive.
- Some people count themselves as “white”.
- Others feel superior (like Aryans).
- Some people hate colored people.
- Neo-Nazis.
- Some, they are lied to and promised to be members in the future.

There is no doubt for me that the ideology of this group fits the ideology of gang stalkers. Members of this group are among the richest people in the world and they find themselves as superior race. They want to eliminate or enslave other races. They have the ideology, all the needed technology and power to do so.



To be completed


3 Replies to “Whom & Why”

  1. I agree that white delusionists are the likely culprits in local gang stalking & in particular, these kind of gangs that operate within police departments. I am being gang stalked in Indianapolis & it started with the Metro police but only white males & females, I am black so I’m sure that is deliberate. As of late it seems to have been handed off to what I assume are oblivious black dupes, including immigrants, who are likely paid. I doubt that any of my these people know what they are stalking for and appear to be coerced or roped into it & not in it for a cause. I also definitely believe the tactics & strategies I see used on street teams have been developed by ADL and since I am one of those TIs who have been implanted with what I believe is Israeli-created nano tech (that also act as GPS) and have openly written about it on my blog, I have no doubt this gang stalking campaign is a joint FBI/ADL/local Indy Metro Police endeavor. This also includes the company I am a contract driver for-ClusterTruck, since I have noticed distinct patterns at work that could only happen if Clustertruck was directly involved in the targeting & gang stalking. I can only imagine that companies are either being given financial perks or perhaps federal &/state/city contracts? But they are clearly benefiting if they are willing to risk business integrity & reputation to engage in what is basically a crime.
    You can visit my blog at: https://rosemarysbabiesandcompany.wordpress.com

  2. Assalamualakium Brother.
    Your skill to write this article on GS, in your second language, shows your intellect. I wonder is intelligence part of the selection criteria. Well though out, informative and relevant to what I think about as a TI.
    Thank you for your excellent contribution.
    Regards Anthony
    Queensland Australia.

    1. Tnx Anthony for your nice comment.
      I don’t think there is a criteria for becoming a target, a TI can be any person, regardless of intelligence, wealth, etc.
      What matters is the ability of your enemy.

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