Stages of Gang Stalking

To lose patience is to lose the battle

Mahatma Gandhi

In my believe, not everyone can be a target. Some people are just too powerful and secured. These people are beyond reach of everyone, therefore my guess is that before one can become a TI, three stages take place. These steps are introduction, evaluation and acceptance. GS begins after acceptance and has two stages: preparation and stalking.

Introduction: when someones name is given to be stalked.

Evaluation: person is evaluated as a possible target.

Acceptance: if person's harassment feasibility is approved then that person is accepted and marked as a TI. After acceptance there's no turning point for the target. From this day on life of target changes forever and becomes the worst nightmare one can think of. Of course there are people who fight back. At the end it's not obvious who is the winner of this nonsense drama because at one hand stalkers do really bother the victim but at the other hand the effort (money, human resources and time) that the stalkers put in this is enormous therefore one might say that the victim is the winner.



Preparation for GS begins much earlier before a TI notices anything about harassment. Preparation includes information gathering, personnel election, putting bugs in the environment and tapping all communication of the TI and finally choosing ground stations near target's home. Once these are done, the surveillance begins. Surveillance means that target is monitored 24/7. There's no more privacy for everyone who is related to the target. This includes families, friends, enemies, colleagues, neighbors, etc. All behaviors of the target and his relatives are carefully registered such that stalkers can predict what the next move of the target exactly is. The most important part of preparation is to put bugs in the body of target. These bugs can be of any form, GPS, EEG are the two most important ones, but there are for sure other unknown bugs which can influence the physical work of body which are described later. When target and relatives are enough watched and the daily program of all is fully understood then GS starts.

No more privacy
You are watched every second
Communications are tapped
All your keys are copied
Everywhere is bugged
People are informed

Human resources preparation

For sure one of the key concepts of GS is to mess up with TI's mind and produce psychological delusion. This is achieved by using human actors mostly familiar for TI. Somehow they hire or convince (for example they can use national security reasons) or maybe threaten neighbors, friends, colleagues and even the closest relatives of a TI to perform some acts in certain situations. Undoubtedly there's at least one person in every circle of TI who cooperates with stalkers. However there are many more unknown GS personnel in the living environment of TI who are 24/7 alert to act when it's needed. In my believe there are at least three houses near TI home with these actors inside them. These houses are not only important as living place for these actors but also are used for many other reasons such as producing sound, keeping trained animals, equipment, etc. Apart from neighbors, there are for sure some shop workers, garbage collectors and other day to day people in the surrounding of TI who work for GS.


Gang Stalking

For sure, bullying doesn't begin in full capacity. In all reported cases the claim has been such that the first awareness of being stalked occurs by attracting the attention of a TI by two different means. One of them is the displacing stuff in target's home and the other is the similarity of people's sentences/words with the things the TI has done, heard or watched short before (can be a night, a day before or the same day). Little by little stalkers raise their activities. Producing (strange) sound is a common next step. Being followed, coming across the same person, seeing special gestures and hearing the same word(s) from different people, seeing the same car few times a day, people with same cloths, etc. are all used in the begin phase.

At this stage, some targets try to protect themselves with putting extra locks on the doors, using closed circuit cameras or other means, but without any success. Others ask for help from family, friends or medical stuff but unfortunately almost none of the targets has ever found a useful helping hand. Some of these people just listen to target's stories but almost none, believe a word. If target is lucky he/she is not marked as insane and if not (which is almost always the case) people ask the target to seek professional help. Since hearing sound and being followed are the general symptoms of Schizophrenia or mental disorder therefore targets are always diagnosed as such. Some targets accept medication and use them but unfortunately with no result. 

I assume weak people may decide to end their lives at this stage because they are hopeless and see no way out of it. Other people continue to fight and for them show goes on but the persecution and the intensity of physical harm increases as time pass. Stuff displacement occurs less but from now damaging stuff begins.


Make target alert by displacing or disappearing & reappearing of stuff at home

Make target suspicious by talking and acting alike

Deception and confusion by making sound


Uncertainty and unbelief about everything





Financially broken

Strange senses in body

Feels weird and untimely pain

Impression of mind control


Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

Albert Einstein

From now on stalkers know that the target can withstand pressure, therefore not only they begin to use other tactics but also increase the number and intensity of their attacks. Stuff misplacement is no more used and chasing rarely because these methods have already had their impact and are less effective in the future. Only if the target tries to leave the smart phone behind or is in an area with low cover of communication signal or some few other situations, they use chasing.

Next step in gang stalking is to cause pain for the target. This is believed to be done by Directed Energy Weapons which may in some cases be true but can't be true in all cases. My believe is that these pain are caused by an unknown internal microscopic or even smaller nano size devices which can irritate the nerve and cause pain (this is described in definition as Electronic Harassment).

Targets notice unjustifiable or untimely senses many time per day. These feelings can be of any form and in every part of the body like needing to scratch different part of body repetitiously, sneezing or coughing exactly during a certain task not related to any smell or other thing which may cause sensitivity, feeling strange movement under skin, irritation of sexual organ, getting awake suddenly, sudden tiredness, etc.

Mind reading is the ultimate confusion for victims which many people including targets themselves can't believe it. Targets are confident that whatever they think happens, if not instantly, within a few hours. For example you think of your friend and suddenly he/she calls you or you think to go for a vacation to Hawaii and your colleague talks about cheap tickets for Hawaii. The first few times targets think, oh, what a coincident but as time passes and these coincidentally repeats itself then targets begin to think whether their mind is being read. Some targets including myself thought that they have put some kind of camera in my eyes which may have been the case (or was the case in the past when mind reading technology was not so advanced as today, read more in About Me - eyes). See some applications of "Brain Reading" in information page.