
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

Helen Keller

Why you should care?

Should you act only if your life is in danger?

Media coverage of mass shooting all over the world is completely falsification. Media pretend (or have order from law enforcement to broadcast as such) as if murderers are mentally sick. Just listen to the first 38 seconds of Myron May last confession (first example bellow) and the media coverage of it (abc news) and judge yourself. In his testimony he literally says that he is a "Targeted Individual" and that he is being "Gang Stalked".

One of the last messages of a "Targeted Individual", Myron May: "I Do Not Want to Die in Vain". He was a lawyer, former prosecutor and an alumnus of Florida State University (FSU) and was working as a prosecuting attorney in New Mexico. He shot an employee and two students at Florida State University library (November 20, 2014). Myron May last words 1, 2 and 3.

July 17, 2016, a "Targeted Individual" Gavin Eugene Long an ex-Marine and Iraq war veteran shot three police officers at Baton Rouge.

Hong Kong, October 15, 2021 . A man slashes the neck of a taxi driver, who eventually bled to death. He believed he is "Gang Stalked".

Fort Lauderdale airport shooting, January 6, 2017. Five people were killed and six others injured. E. Santiago-Ruiz, who committed the shooting had in November 2016 reported to the FBI field office in Anchorage that the U.S. government was controlling his mind. He also said that he was hearing voices in his head telling him to commit acts of violence.

September 16, 2013, Washington Navy Yard shooting. 12 killed by Aaron Alexis who believed he is a victim of harassment. From the notes on his computer: "Ultra low frequency attack is what I've been subject to for the last 3 months. And to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this."

July 20, 2012, Aurora, Colorado shooting. Twelve people killed and 70 others injured by James Holmes who is believed to have Schizophrenia an other mental health problems (according to FOX News). He was scared of society and believed people are hurting him. He could not show or prove who is harassing him.

April 3, 2009, Binghamton shooting 13 people dead by J.A. Wong. In his letter to Syracuse, New York, TV station News 10 Now he wrote: "He was persecuted and perceived by many among others police officers even at his home".

The list goes on and on. Three major cause of these mass shootings are:

    1. The murderer sees no way out of his torture and misery and wants to revenge.
    2. Gang Stalkers force these people to commit crimes with the induced voice to their head or the fake promise to set them free after they commit these crimes. 
    3. The authorities (police, health care, etc.) refuse help to the victim.

Other mass shootings involve white supremacy which I strongly believe to be the cause of gang stalking.

May 15, 2022, 18 years old Payton S. Gendron (White Supremacist) shoots 13 people 11 of which black. End result, 10 dead.

July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik killed 8 people by detonating a car bomb in Oslo, Norway and killed 69 participants of a Workers' Youth League (AUF) summer camp in a mass shooting on the island of Utøya.

19 children aged 6 to 10 and 2 teachers died at a primary school shooting in south Texas, 25 May 2022. The Shooter a "White Supremacist".

A child trough himself out of the window of a high rise building "Suicidal children". According to a survey children who had heard the voice of God committed suicide, apparently from the notes they had left behind. This voice of God could have been a kind of V2K voice or just a direct telephone call to the child to kill him/her self. Some had said "If I don't die my little brother or sister dies". 

The rate of these incidents is increasing exponentially. Therefor we all should care. It doesn't matter if you are directly related to one of these subjects or not, but you are a human and have a conscious, help other humans.

Free Contribution

  • - If you believe in justice, love, peace, kindness.
  • - If you are against injustice, tyranny, torture.
  • - If you mind what other people go through.
  • - If human rights, freedom and privacy are important to you.

Contribute and make a difference

Not because you, a family member, a friend, a colleague or a neighbor of you might as well be the next victim but because you care about other humans, about life, about yourself and about the future of human kind.

Contribute to our freedom and end our torture

Every life matters

Other means of contribution

Not everyone is good in computer or has no time to search the extensive amount of information present on internet. The least one can do is to pinpoint useful and confirmed information about this crime and to help answer many questions for those who need professional help.

  • - Computer science: developing web pages, database (where TIs are, where and what kind of help they can get).
  • - Physics and electronics: how can a TI overcome electronic harassment, shield the body, etc.
  • - Medical: what are the possibilities to remove implants.
  • - Industry: making of light weight, comfortable and affordable clothing that can be used as shield against electronic harassment
  • - Law, justice: information to make acceptable cases against GS. 

Any suggestion is welcome. I will use any useful suggestion and will add it to this list. Mentioning the name is up to the suggester.

Survey's purpose for TIs

The only objective of the survey is to gather statistical information about:

  • Population: How many TIs are there in the world?
  • Location: Where do the targets live? Are there some places in the world that have more TIs than others?
  • Problems: Which problems have TIs the most?
  • Occupation: Are some occupation more likely to be targeted?
  • Reason: What's their best guess to have become a TI?
  • Gender: Are the majority male or female?
  • Age: Is there any age group which never become target?
  • Religion: Is there any particular religion that has more chance to become target?
  • Color: Are colored people more targeted than others?
  • Origin: Does nationality makes any difference?
  • Duration: How are you a target?
  • Help: Has anybody, ever had help from any organization?

These information will help to shed light to unanswered questions. It can also help targets to find some of their answers. For example if we know that there are so many targets living in the same city, it would be easier to organize meeting or use each other’s skill to help one another.

You may fill your actual personal information if you're a known TI but it is not necessary. An email address is required to send the form.

Survey's purpose for none TIs

It takes you less than a minute to fill this survey if you don't want to add any comment or question. It helps us:

  • - Whether other people believe us (targets)?
  • - Understand how none victims think abut GS.
  • - Will support of none victims grow?

9 Replies to “Support”

  1. It was the first time I read and heard about TI and GS. It was very unique and interesting. Although I myself have never experienced being TI but I can imagine that there are people who have experienced and suffered. What I can do is that I can talk about this with people with the hope that this problem will become known and that one fine day GS will be stopped with what they do.

  2. This is the real deal. High ranking authorities including CIA, FBI , NSA and world-wide elected political officials are behind all this. Treating people like animals. Heartbreaking and disappointing that they are walking all over human rights, the Bill of Rights and every other right to humankind playing the role of God. They will be found out by the peoples one day and will be shamed faced for all eternity. This needs to stop NOW!!

    1. It will be stopped and responsibles will be brought to justice.
      But I’m not seeking revenge. These people are not important to me to pollute my mind with their thoughts even for a second.
      To me the most important thing is to stop this program because if it goes like this, no human lives free whether he/she is a target or not.

  3. Always talking about NSA FBI and cia. What about local police? They are using this program the most here in Bakersfield.

    1. Yes, local police are the most corrupt organization of all. They are everywhere and commit their crime openly.
      It’s not only them, some firefighters, ambulance crew, government employee etc. are working for them.

      1. Yes, sadly I think you’re right, what is their oath again: “Do no harm” etc, etc,
        Take care!

  4. I am a TI and have been for a number of years, yes it is difficult to keep going, but what other alternative is there! People need to know about the heinous crimes that are being perpetrated against us! I fear desperately for the future of mankind, where people are enslaved, controlled by electronic devices/weapons. Until recently I could never have imagined that such technology existed that would be capable of inflicting such brutal torture on people, however I know, I am on the receiving end of it daily! How is it all possible?

    WE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING from the holocaust!!!!! People are still being brutally tortured every single day!! You try going for help, there is none! Doctors are very quick to bring out the diagnosis of “Delusional Disorder”, it is a living hell! However I am still here- I figure out that as long as am I, then I will try and educate others, what else can I do.
    I can only die once! Good luck to all my fellow TIs out there! Someone is watching!

    1. Fiona, this is much broader than Holocaust. There they murdered a specific group but now they are torturing people of any race and age without any reason. My mother is almost 99, they torture her just because she is my mother and they know when she suffers, I suffer.
      I’ve read other people’s story. Their innocent baby is tortured in front of their eyes. This is insane, barbaric and far from the craziest thing that a sadist can do.

      Wish you all the best. Be strong and live your life.

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