
Description of some of the fields

  • - Started: which year did your attacks begin (the first time you noticed you are a target).
  • - Country: the country that you live in.


  • - Reason, what is your best guess that you've become a target. If your reason is not in the list you have two options. First, you can choose "Don't know" or second, you can choose "other reasons". In the later case a text box will appear and you can write your reason.
  • - If your choice is not in the list of other dropdowns, at the end of survey you see an option "Anything else?". By checking "Yes" next to this option a text box will appear and you can add your words.

Check boxes:

  • - Multiple checks are possible.
  • - Check any of the fields if they are applicable to your situation.
  • - Check only if you are sure that these problem are caused by stalkers.
  • - Don't check them if your problem is natural.

Text fields:

  • - By some choices, there will appear a text field which enables you write your text. You may write anything you like. Please keep your text short.