
Either I will find a way, or I will make one.

Philip Sidney

Although there is no permanent cure or prevention for this sick harassment but there are still some counteractions we can do to temporary ease our pain. To me there are two ways they bother us:

– What they do to our health (physically and mentally).
– What they do to our wealth.

It is a fact that they use some kind of waves to interact with our bodies, be it for Mind Control, GPS, or stuff. I am pretty sure that different wave length are used. The following two are at least used:

Sound waves to charge the batteries via vibration.
Radio waves to read/write electromagnetic signals.

Prevent Signals entering your body

Before you continue reading I have to say that nobody has ever succeeded to build a perfect shield. For example, the owner of this site: Shielding for Directed Energy – has tried many different ways and has spent thousands of dollars to shield himself against DEW, but with no complete success. It is better than nothing. If you have lot of money and you are sure that you can secure your place then try it, otherwise don’ waste your money.

It is very difficult and annoying to shield yourself outside because you can not have aluminum cover around you. But in some degree during rest time it is possible. In Iran there is a magnetic (winter) hat that people use to cover their head during sleep. Its name is: My Shield, Anti-Electromagnetic Hat.

The other possible protection is to make yourself a kind of Faraday Cage with at least two Aluminum Foil (the thicker the foil, the better) layers. One way to do this is to buy a mosquito net (figure 1) or a tent and put extra Aluminum coating on top of it and sleep inside. Be sure that you get air inside, otherwise you die due to lack of oxygen. To get air you need to make at least one opening somewhere on its walls or ceiling but this opening should not have direct access to open air where signals can penetrate inside. Make this window where there is the least possible opportunity that perps emit signal. For example if you have a window in your bedroom, don’t make this opening in front of this window. Or if you think that the neighbor left to you sends these signals to your home, make this opening on the right side. To reduce the chance of a signal penetrating inside your tent, make this window like figure 2.

Kill what harms you inside your body

In my case, I am pretty sure that whatever is inside my body that harms me is a mixture of a living organ (Living Robots) plus high probably a Nano Robot. If this thing is close to or on the skin, the organic (living) part can be neutralized for a short period (a day or so) or can be killed permanently.

Neutralizing them for short time can be done with medical alcohol (I have found this accidentally when I once needed to sterilize my skin for some wound), hot creams (chili pepper driven creams, can be very painful), gasoline or petrol. Personally I don’t suggest you the last two ones because they may have bad effect on your skin. There maybe other liquids that do the same job, but I haven’t try them. I think for example Betadine (povidone iodine solution) or some other household disinfection liquids can be used but in any of these cases read the instruction and be careful for side effects. Also be careful about how to use them and the frequency of usage.

To use the liquids one need to pour it on a piece of tissue or cotton and put it on the place where it hurts or itches. Keep it at least for three minute on the spot. The organic part of this thing gets numb or may even go deeper under your skin where it can not function properly and you get rid of it for a while.

Unfortunately it is just for a day or two that you don’t feel them. Somehow they can put it back to their desired location very easily again. I think they do it via air or drinking water. But anyhow this is the cure for the situations that you need to get rid of this thing for a short term. For example, if you have an appointment and you don’t want to scratch yourself constantly or want to get rid of your local pain, use this method. For the side effect skin drying out (in case of alcohol) use cream to moisturize your skin.

A second cure for this which last longer is antibiotics. Somehow these things die with antibiotics. When antibiotics is used they are eliminated for a longer period. I don’t know which antibiotic and in which dose. It is due to my allergic reaction to some antibiotics. When I need to use antibiotic, I usually tell my doctor that for example that particular one has worked for me last time. Then my doctor begins with that one and if I don’t show any allergic reaction then I finish the dose. But in many cases I show allergic reaction and they change my antibiotic and give me a new one. That’s why I don’t know which antibiotic had worked to kill this thing. Again, you should notice that using antibiotics is not recommended. It is due to the fact that when antibiotics are used a lot, your body becomes resistant for it and when it is really needed it may not work.

Vibration: accidentally I noticed that vibration has an effect on the working of these things inside me. This belief is the result of two different situations. First, I noticed that whenever I use hammer drill, I don’t feel any pain for a while. The same happens when I use hand massage apparat. I have at home something like figure 3. When I use it for a couple of minutes on one spot (not moving, just keep it on one place), then for few days I feel no pain or vibration on that spot.

Research has shown that sound frequency can be used to kill certain molecules like cancer cells. You can use a portable speaker and try different sound frequencies to find which frequency helps you. Try different frequencies and put the speaker on one spot on your skin for at least 20 minutes.

Mental torture prevention

As you know, they use various sound torture methods to harass us. The easiest way to neutralize this is music or any other sound that calms you, like ocean sound. I highly recommend you to buy a mp3 player (don’t use your phone or any other gadget which has Bluetooth or can be connected to Wi-Fi because with these technologies they can disturb your music in various ways). Mostly mp3 players are small, portable devices that use small amount of energy and can play for hours. Use them when you want to sleep or when you go out for walk or shopping. No matter that you can stand their bullying or not, with this you don’t even notice that they are around and try to bother you. Some people say “prevention is the best cure”. With this you don’t let them start. It means that you don’t even need to be worry how to get rid of them, how to counteract.

Some music to get boosted when you are down (motivational songs):

And finally some cool, lovely songs:

Work-floor or neighborhood harassment:

I highly recommend that you react immediately and strongly otherwise this harassment continues forever. Don’t be shy or timid and Go directly to the person who is spreading rumors about you (if it is really false what they say) and ask her/him what is the reason and prove of what he/she says. If you don’t do this you may trap in the situation of isolation and avoiding your colleagues/neighbors for the rest of your life.

Wealth damage

All of us know that one of their goal is to destroy your financial life. One way to do this is to damage your belonging. In my case, I have noticed that whatever I buy is damaged after a short time. If it is a decorative object, they damage it such that I lose my desire to use it any more. If it is a functional object, they damage it such that some part of it (mostly the main part) doesn’t work. I give you some example of this. I buy a TV. Soon (after a few days) when I am familiar to its functionality they change the firmware such that they can control it as they want. They do it after a few days because they want me to understand that they have damaged it. They want to make me as angry and upset as possible. For example the past few days I didn’t need to adjust the sound, color or screen size for each channel but now by changing channel I need to resize it or the volume goes two times higher (especially at night). Or they disable some remote control functionality (especially ON/OFF button and volume) such that I need to stand up and go to the TV or stereo to adjust it or turn it off.

There are numerous examples of these kind of damages and harassment which I later will add to a sub-page of my Gang Stalking page.

Fortunately for me the prevention of these harassment is very easy because I’m a sufficient (convinced, not materialist) and logical person. After they did these kind of things to me a few times and when I was sure that it is their work, I simply decided not to buy any new stuff. Actually I had two positive takeaways from this. First I became a handyman in almost every branch. Now I am able to repair almost anything and if I need to repair a thing that I don’t know how, I read and research till I will be able to do that. I really have earned lot of knowledge for this. Second, when I don’t spend money for new stuff (which I mostly really didn’t need) I can use my money for vacations, theater,  concerts, etc. I go out more and have fun more.

For you, I highly recommend you to be a Minimalist. Read about minimalism or look at these two beautiful documentaries: A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists and How many towels do you need? | Rose Lounsbury. I honestly believe that this is the way people should live not only us as targets but also all the other people. In the past I was a kind of minimalist but fortunately this gang stalking has forced me to be a complete one. It really improved my life. I’m now happier with less stuff and have more time for other stuff like spending time with my friends. This is maybe the most important thing that a target should do to survive the financial terror of stalkers.

2 Replies to “Treatment”

  1. A Remote Neural Monitor is a neural imaging device patented in the early 1960s that allows an operator to remotely view a person’s electroencephalography or EEG from a distance. A person’s visual cortex, auditory, vibrational and tactical senses are read by a program that translates onto a screen to be deciphered by an operator. In other words the operator can see through your eyes, hear what you hear, feel what you feel and experience it without your knowledge or consent. Even a person’s most inner thoughts can be perceived and read by the operator. Each person alot like DNA, has their own unique frequency, the signal of a targeted person can be obtained by gangstalkers and organized crime to harass, torture and traffic humans, all from a distance. The remote neural monitor uses the microwave auditory effect to electronically harass the target by sending a microwave radio frequency signals to the inner ear, and is also known as V2K, the voice of God or the Frey Effect first discovered by Dr. Allen Frey. The Remote Neural Monitor can make unknowingly victims fall target to the microwave auditory effect and it can be passed off or mistaken as hearing voices, or other mental health concerns that the police, hospital staff and psychiatrists are not well aware of or trained in, but really it is from the source of the technology being used by gang stalkers or organized crime. It often targets the drug community because of the ability to ‘seduce’ the victim by using a special type of communication that combines thought with mental holographic like images, in hopes the target will do what the perpetrators are coaxing the victim to do, and is accomplished by inducing auditory hallucinations and verbal commands via the microwave auditory effect. This type of technology in the gangstalkers or organized crimes hands allows for torture and sexual enslavement to the owner/operator of the Remote Neural Monitor. Furthermore, since the device can see through the victims eyes, the images can be recorded or uploaded to the dark web for illegal profit or racketeering. The remote neural monitor can also use a brain to brain interface instead of the typical brain to computer interface in that which the operator can feel the tactile sense of touch and vibration of the target, making them have a sense of being the targeted person. The wireless microprocessor headsets under the scalp or inside the mouth can be joined together for users to participate as a group. As technology advances, so does the method of this illegal, unethical, and immoral use of it, often to exploit sex and torture from a distance.

    The main goal of the operator is to discredit the victim, make the victim commit crime, create a Manchurian candidate (as thought to be responsible for the death of the Canadian soldier guarding the memorial), drive the victim to suicide, or isolate them for more acute and higher concentration of electromagnetic frequencies and low EMF or radiated energy that often has ill adverse health effects and can cause cancers, tumors, and many seemingly unrelated causes of death. In many cases online life insurance is bought by the perpetrators as all the information is easily available from their own knowledge of their personal information and is noted or recorded in order to provide a death certificate later to be collected by gang stalkers or organized criminals. The victims are subjected to electronic torture to have sex and it is considered aggravated sexual assault from a weapon, with intent to murder the victim to cover up the sex crimes of the gangstalkers in hopes it leaves no or little evidence. It is not a snitch to report a rape so standing against such cruel and unusual punishment of citizens, the community must stand together and support targeted individuals and educate one another to help end cyber torture and human trafficking from Remote Neural Monitoring in the hands of gangstalkers and organized crime.

    Getting a Magnetite level from the brain from a simple blood test can identify the Remote Neural Monitor as the source. A MRI of a targeted individuals brain will light up as extra neurons in the brain fire up as a result of over stimulation of neurons. An EMF reader can be used to find the source of the Remote Neural Monitor to find the perpetrators. Finally, a polygraph can also identify that the Remote Neural Monitor is indeed the culprit and can help in aid to prosecute the perpetrators. In the Canadian Charter of Rights it states, ‘Freedom of thought’ as a Right. There are a numerous amount of other victims in Canada that have been targeted individuals. Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are are usually found in cities along Canadian borders just like Sault Ste. Marie, Canada. Obtaining legal search warrants to confiscate technology in the hands of gangstalking criminals is a tedious task as it is simply passed from operator to operator. I firmly believe reporting a rape is NOT a snitch. I’m formally informing the public of a Remote Neural Monitor in the hands of gangstalking criminals by name in hopes of ending this illegal network. Lenny Thomson, Wendell McKay and Jure Gruber are responsible for these crimes and should be put to justice for the years of electronic torture and rape. These backyard terrorists are now officially exposed and should be recognized as the identities of person’s responsible for these crimes in Sault Ste. Marie. These people have been using people from the drug community to gang stalk my family and slander my name for the last three years now and have been asking me to bathe my daughter like previous victims, but I refuse to follow their sick instructions. The way that these guys get your personal DNA frequency is with an amber Lazer usually by pointing it into your eye at one of their bonfires. Please notify the proper authorities if you have been manipulated into being apart of harassing and gangstalking as most people are lied to thinking that they are doing the community a service or tricked into thinking we have done something immoral and think that they are doing a good thing to harass my family.

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